To import Wind River Tornado projects from the GUI:
- Open the wizard by choosing File> New> Project, selecting C++test> Import Wind River Tornado projects, then clicking Next.

- Complete the wizard’s Projects Selection page as follows, then click Next:
- In Select .wpj/.wsp file or root directory, enter or browse to a path to a Tornado project file, a Tornado workspace file, or a directory.
- n the Projects to be imported tree, use the available controls to indicate which projects you want to import.

- Complete the wizard’s Destination Settings page as follows, then click Finish:
- In the Imported projects destination area, indicate where you want the projects created. Available options are:
- Workspace: Inside the C++test workspace.
- Original project file location: Over the original imported project.
- External: In the specified external location. If you choose this option, you can also indicate whether you want to create a subdirectory for each project.
- In the Linked folders settings area, indicate how you want linked folders handled. Available options are:
- Link folders: Specifies whether linked folders are used.
- Use Path Variable: Specifies whether Eclipse Path Variables are created and used for linked folders.
- Path Variable list: Allows you to select an existing Path Variable or indicate that you want to define a new one using the fields below.
- Path Variable name: Specifies a new Path Variable name for linked folders.
- Path Variable value: Specifies a new Path Variable value for linked folders.
- In the Project/build configuration settings area, specify the build configuration you want the imported projects to use. Note that the Configuration name box will be populated with the configuration names read from the projects selected for import; this box is active only if Specific configuration is selected.

The project will then be imported.