This topic explains how to configure an automated nightly testing process and reporting.
To automate the nightly testing process:
- In the GUI, define the preferences you want to apply across multiple test scenarios.
- For automated reporting, be sure to define Preferences for E-mail, Reports, Reports> E-mail Notifications, DTP (or Team Server).
- Automated task assignment additionally requires Preferences for Authors, Scope and Authorship, Scope and Authorship> Authorship Mappings.
- Define the command line arguments required to achieve your objectives. You can use localsettings to override the GUI preferences.
- Use the
switch to generate a report. - Use the
switch to send the report to DTP (or the -publishteamserver
switch to add the report to the Team Server).
- Develop a script or batch file to invoke your command line interface commands and perform any additional operations you want to automate.
- Use a scheduling utility (such as cron or the Windows scheduling program) to run the test at a specified time each night.