C/C++test can run on either a local or a network license:
To activate your network license:
Click Parasoft in the menu bar and choose Options (Visual Studio) or Preferences (Eclipse).
License borrowing allows you to use C/C++test when you cannot connect with the host that serves your license, for example, during travel or when the server is being upgraded. When you borrow a license, one of the license tokens is locked to your machine for the specified amount of time. Licenses can be borrowed from 1 hour to 14 days.
To borrow a license, enable the Borrow option in the License panel and specify the number of days and hours you are going to use the license.
By default, the license is activated on IDE startup and remains active until the IDE is closed. You can optimize license token distribution so that your license token is available for another user when you are not actively using C/C++test in your IDE.
You can manually deactivate the license by choosing Parasoft> Deactivate License from the IDE menu. To reactivate the license, choose Parasoft> Activate License or start interacting with the tool.
Also, you can configure C/C++test to automatically manage your license token by enabling the Start deactivated, release automatically when idle option on the License preference page. With this option enabled:
Configuring advanced network license settings allows you to obtain the network license from secondary instance of DTP or a standalone License Server.
Go to Parasoft> Options(Visual Studio) or Preferences (Eclipse)> License.
Configure the connection.
a) To use a license from a standalone License Server:
- Specify the host where your standalone License Server is deployed. If your server uses the HTTPS protocol, precede the hostname with https://
- Specify the port. The port number depends on your Tomcat settings (the default is 8080).
Configuring the context path is not supported for a standalone License Server.
Do not enable authentication.
b) To use a license from secondary DTP:
- Specify the hostname.
- Specify the port (the default is 443 or 8443).
- (optional) Specify the context path if DTP is deployed in a location relative to the host address you provided.
- Enable the Use authentication option.
- Provide the username and password.
If the Use configured DTP settings option is enabled, the license will be obtained as normal – from the DTP server you configured for your development testing workflow (see Connecting to DTP). This option is enabled by default.
To configure the local license:
Click Parasoft in the menu bar and choose Options (Visual Studio) or Preferences (Eclipse).
Contact your Parasoft representative should you experience any issues with your license.