In this section:


If a Virtualize server has been configured to collect server statistics, you can review the collected statistics from CTP. CTP reports the hit statistic information from Virtualize and displays aggregate daily hit counts for virtual assets, proxies, and servers.

These statistics and reports can help you:

Viewing Daily Hit Count Snapshots

Hit count snapshots for the current day are available for servers, deployed virtual assets, and message proxies. All graphs are based on your system’s time zone.

Server Snapshots

Open that server’s page to see the daily hit statistics for the virtual assets and proxies on a specific Virtualize server.  You can access the details page via the search control or from the page that opens when you open the Service Virtualization module and select Virtualize Servers

Virtual Asset Snapshots

To see the daily hit statistics for a specific deployed virtual asset:

  1. In the Service Virtualization module, select Virtual Assets
  2. Click the List All link at the top of the page.
  3. Click the link to the virtual asset file related to the deployed virtual asset you’re interested in.
  4. Select the link to the deployed virtual asset you’re interested in.
  5. Review the snapshot.

Message Proxy Snapshots

Open that proxy’s detail page to see the daily hit statistics for a specific message proxy. You can access the detail page from the the search control or from the page that opens when you open the Service Virtualization module and select Proxies.

Viewing Complete Server Hit Statistics

You can view the Hit Statistics report for all hits stored for all Virtualize servers:

  1. Open the Service Virtualization module and click the Reports tab
  2. Click on Hit Statistics in the sidebar. 
You can filter the data shown (and included in CSV exports) using the controls at the top of the page.

Creating Custom Reports

If you want to create custom reports, you can export the data into a CSV file, then use a program such as Microsoft Excel to design a chart that suits your specific needs. 

To export data, use the CSV button in the bottom left of the UI.