
Recommendation type: Uncovered code

Configurable in Preferences: Yes

Filter category: Uncovered code


This type of recommendation helps you identify code that is not covered.

See Increasing Code Coverage for details.


In the following example, the UncoveredCode class contains two methods: the normalize method that contains a conditional statement, and the readChar method that catches an exception:

public class UncoveredCode {
    public int normalize(int value) {
        if (value > 100) {
            return 100;
        } else {
            return value;

    public char readChar(Reader reader) throws Exception {
        try {
            return (char);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new Exception("Encountered IO exception", e);

The following test cases have been created to cover the methods:

public class UncoveredCodeTest {
    public void testNormalize() throws Throwable {
        UncoveredCode underTest = new UncoveredCode();

        int value = 0; // UTA: default value
        int result = underTest.normalize(value);

        assertEquals(0, result);

    public void testReadChar() throws Throwable {
        UncoveredCode underTest = new UncoveredCode();

        Reader reader = mock(Reader.class);
        int readResult = 'c';

        char result = underTest.readChar(reader);

        assertEquals('c', result);

When the test cases are run, UTA detects that they do not fully cover the code of the normalize and readChar methods:

As a result, UTA displays an Uncovered code recommendation for each of the methods:

Clicking the Clone test links automatically creates a duplicate of the selected test case to help you cover the uncovered lines  (see Cloning and Updating a Test Case for details).