This topic provides an overview of customizations that might be performed on individual developer or tester installations.
We strongly recommend that teams and organizations create custom Test Configurations that are then standardized and shared across the team.
If you team allows developers and testers to customize team Test Configurations or built-in Test Configurations, you can customize them as described in Creating a Custom Test Configuration.
If you want to set your most commonly-used Test Configurations as your favorites, you can do so as described in Changing the Favorite Test Configuration.
We strongly recommend that teams and organizations define custom preferences that are then standardized and shared across the team.
However, team members may wish to customize some of these preferences, particularly settings that might vary from system to system, as well as options that are largely a matter of personal preference (e.g., whether the task tree is automatically expanded or not). For details, see C/C++test Configuration Overview.
See Customizing the Results Display.