Static analysis can be highly customized. Use the following table as a reference to determine how to achieve the customization effect you are seeking:  

Desired CustomizationRequired ActionReference
Define a set of rules to be used in static analysisChange the rules settings in the Static tab of the Test Configuration(s) you want to applyStatic Tab Settings - Defining How Static Analysis is Performed
Customize available rules

Edit rule parameters in the Static> Rules Tree tab of the Test Configurations dialog. or Use RuleWizard to modify static code analysis rules

Modify  settings for Flow AnalysisConfigure the settings in the Static> Flow Analysis Advanced Settings tab of the Test Configuration(s) you want to apply
Customize rule groups, identifiers, titles, and severities to match your policy and prioritiesDefine the changes with rule mappings

Modifying Rule Categories, IDs, Names, and Severity Levels

Create new (fully-custom) static analysis rulesUse RuleWizard to create custom static code analysis rules

Customizing Existing Rules and Creating New Rules

Create new rule categoriesDefine the changes with rule mappings
Change the default directory where C++test looks for user-defined rulesSet the desired User rules  location in the Configurations page of the Preferences dialog.C/C++test Configuration Overview
Apply local rule suppressionsSuppress the task

Suppressing the Reporting of Acceptable Violations

Modify static analysis settings, such as number of tasks reported per rule, whether analysis is performed on automatically-generated test classes, etc.Change the analysis settings in  the Static tab of the Test Configuration(s) you want to applyStatic Tab Settings - Defining How Static Analysis is Performed

In addition, you can configure static analysis with advanced options. For example, you can specify encoding or customize the amount of allocated memory. See Configuring Advanced Options for details.