This topic explains how to configure and apply the Call Back tool that supports asynchronous HTTP testing by listening for the asynchronous server response.

Sections include:

Understanding the Call Back Tool

SOAtest supports asynchronous HTTP testing, including Parlay, Parlay-X, SCP (SOAP Conversation Protocol), WS-Addressing, custom protocols, JMS, TIBCO, WebSphere MQ and SonicMQ. After you configure the Call Back tool, SOAtest sets up a server to manage the Call Back Messages. It uses the keys you specify in the tool configuration to recognize incoming messages.

Configuring the Call Back Tool

Before you begin, verify that the local SOAtest server is running. The server can be started by right-clicking the Server node in the SOAtest Server view and choosing Start Server.

If the SOAtest Server view is not visible in your workspace, select Parasoft> Show View> SOAtest Server. 

  1. Ensure that there is a SOAP invocation from a SOAP Client tool.
  2. Select the main test suite node and click the Add test or output button. The Add Test wizard displays.
  3. Select Standard Test> Call Back Tool from the Add Test wizard, and then click the Finish button. A Call Back Tool test node displays in the test suite.
  4. Double-click the Call Back Tool test node. The following options display in the Call Back tool workspace:

  5. Right-click the Call Back Tool test node and select Add Output. The Add Output wizard displays.
  6. Select the desired tool from the Add Output wizard to create an output for the Call Back message from the server. For example, you can select the Diff tool to create a regression control on the Call Back message from the server. 

Configuring TIBCO options for the Call Back Tool

If TIBCO is selected as the Protocol for the Call Back tool, a TIBCO Properties panel displays at the bottom of the tool configuration panel. SOAtest can listen on a local TIBCO DAEMON or a remote one. That is, the bus daemon could be running on the local machine or somewhere else. The following options are available:

TIBCO messages, when generated and accessed via one of the programming language APIs, can put content under named fields. Content (SOAP messages, XML, text, etc.) must be placed under a TIBCO message "field". To retrieve desired content from the message, the Reply Field Name must be provided. The field name is determined by the application that generates a TIBCO message, so to determine what that field is, one would need to know the field name that is used by the application (if unknown, the source code of the application that sends the TIBCO message should include the field name).

The Message Delivery field indicates what type of messages the Call Back tool should look for on the bus. This should correspond to the delivery type established by the message sender.

Additional information on the Field Name can be found in the TIBCO Rendezvous docs under TIBCO Rendezvous Concepts> Fundamentals> Messages and Data> Fields.

For more information on the Reply subject field and its meaning in TIBCO, refer to TIBCO docs under TIBCO Rendezvous Concepts> Fundamentals> Names and Subject-Based Addressing.

Configuring JMS options for the Call Back Tool

If JMS is selected as the Protocol for the Call Back tool, a JMS Properties panel displays at the bottom of the Call Back tool workspace. The following options are available:

Connection Settings

Connection Settings contains Settings and Properties tabs for JNDI Initial Context.

The Properties tab is optional and allows you to specify additional properties to be passed to the JNDI javax.naming.InitalContext constructor (in addition to the Provider URL and Initial Context factory properties that are specified in the Settings tab). Property values, which can be added by clicking Add and completing the Add JMS Property dialog, can be set to a fixed value, a parameterized value, a scripted value, or a unique value (an automatically-generated random unique value—no two test invocations will use the same value).

The Settings tab contains the following:

In addition to the Settings tab, the Connection Settings also include:


The Queue/Topic settings contain the following options:

Messaging Model

Messaging Model options specify how messages are sent between applications. Select either Point to Point or Publish and Subscribe.

Incoming Message Correlation

The Incoming Message Correlation settings contain the following options: