Due to the Data Repository Server upgrade in SOAtest/Virtualize 9.9, any Data Repository Servers created in previous versions of SOAtest/Virtualize must be migrated before they can be used in the current version. The migration process is automated with the Data Repository Server Migration utility. 

Servers that require migration will be marked with a special icon the Data Repositories view.

Preparing for Migration

Performing the Migration

The MigrateDRServer.jar migration utility is available in <SOAtest/Virtualize_install_dir>/migration. It migrates a specified data repository server and saves it at the specified destination location. The only required argument is -props <arg>, which specifies which properties file contains the server source and destination information. 

To perform the migration, run MigrateDRServer.jar  with -props <arg> and any other arguments you want to use. For example:
java -jar MigrateDRServer.jar --props myprops

 Any repositories from SOAtest/Virtualize 9.5 or 9.6 will be skipped; these need to be migrated with the --update option (described below). 

If any existing data repository and/or record type names exceed 50 characters, they will be automatically truncated during the migration process.

MigrateDRServer.jar Options

Available options are:

--repo <arg>Migrates an individual repository. If this option is not specified, all repositories on the source server will be migrated to the destination server.
--importFile <arg>

Imports an individual repository from a Data Repository export file to the repository name specified with --importName

This does not include migration. Use --repo to migrate the imported repository.

--importName <arg>Specifies the name of the destination repository for a Data Repository export file imported with --importFile.

Updates the schema of repositories from SOAtest/Virtualize 9.5 or 9.6 (these repositories use deprecated schemas and must be updated for use in the current version). 

This does not include migration. Use --repo to migrate the updated repository.

 --props <arg>Specifies a plain text properties file that provides the existing connection properties for the source (legacy) repository server and the desired connection properties for the destination (new) repository server.
--silent Suppresses prompts asking for confirmation of server settings.
--verbose Enables verbose logging for debugging.


To migrate all repositories (except those with deprecated schemas) on the server specified in the properties file myprops:

     java -jar MigrateDRServer.jar -props myprops

To migrate all repositories (including those with deprecated schemas) on the server specified in the properties file myprops:

     java -jar MigrateDRServer.jar -props myprops -update

To migrate the "MyDR" repository on the server specified in the properties file myprops:

     java -jar MigrateDRServer.jar  -props myprops -repo MyDR

To migrate the "MyOldRepos"repository, which was created in version 9.5 and uses a deprecated schema:

     java -jar MigrateDRServer.jar  -props myprops -repo MyOldRepos -update

To migrate the "MyDRFile" file, which was exported from version 9.8, to a repository named MyNewRepos:

     java -jar MigrateDRServer.jar  -props myprops -importFile MyDRFile -import-Name MyNewRepos -update