This chapter describes how to work with projects and .tst files saved in XML format.

Sections include:

Working with Projects

Saving a Project File

Any changes that you make to project properties, test suites, and so on are automatically saved to the project. Projects will remain open until you explicitly close them.

Closing a Project File

When you close a project file, SOAtest will close all related trees and settings. Closed projects are shown in the Navigator, but not in the Test Case Explorer.

To close the current project and all related setting:

Opening a Project File

When you open a project file, all associated trees, settings, and reports will be restored.

To open a project file:

Working with Test (.tst) Files

Opening .tst Files

By default, .tst files are closed.  All open .tst files are loaded into memory.

There are two ways to open a .tst file:

Closed .tst files have the following "closed box" icon:  

Open  .tst files  have the following "open box" icon: 

Closing .tst Files

There are two ways to close a .tst file:

Understanding a .tst File’s XML Format

When SOAtest .tst files are saved in XML format, they can be parsed to get test suite and test information into a custom framework.

The following table describes how some of the most commonly-used tools are represented:

ArtifactElement NameParent Element
Root elementSOAtestProjectNone
Test SuiteTest SuiteTestSuite (if nested under other Test Suites)
Test or a Test Suite namenameAny of the other listed elements
Data SourcesDataSourceTestSuite/SOAPRPCToolTest
Messaging ClientHTTPClientTestSuite/HTTPClientToolTest
Browser Playback ToolBrowserTestingToolTestSuite/ToolTest
DB ToolDbToolTestSuite/ToolTest
Extension ToolMethodToolTestSuite/ToolTest
Call Back ToolCallBackToolTestSuite/CallBackToolTest

The following list describes common specially named elements that appear in the XML project file. The fields are named so that you can exclude parts of it and make the search more general.

For example, to search for any WSDL, you could search and replace for _WSDLLocation>http://mywsdl</. For just SOAP Client WSDLs, you could search for <SOAPClient_WSDLLocation>http:/mywsdl</SOAPClient_WSDLLocation>.

WSDL fields:

Schema fields:

Endpoint fields:

Literal (XML) fields:

XPath Fields:

Diff Tool Regression Controls:

BrowserTestingTool fields:

