This topic explains how to migrate your existing SOAtest or WebKing automated nightly process from the legacy command line interface (cli) to SOAtest 9.x’s soatestcli. Sections include:
The following table shows the differences in command line invocation between previous versions of SOAtest or WebKing and the current version of SOAtest.
OS | Previous WebKing option | Previous SOAtest option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Windows | wk.exe -cmd [options] | st.exe -cmd [options] | soatestcli.exe [options] |
Linux | webking -cmd [options] | soatest -cmd [options] | soatestcli [options] |
SOAtest 5.5 and earlier: If your SOAtest command line invocation to run a single test suite and write a report in HTML format to a file was
st.exe -cmd -runtest <test suite name.tst> -reportHTML -detailed <report file name>
your SOAtest command line invocation might be
soatestcli.exe -config <configuration name> -resource <path to test suite name.tst relative to the workspace> -report <report file>
WebKing: If your WebKing command line invocation to run a single test suite and write a report in HTML format to a file was
wk.exe -cmd -runtest <test suite name.tst> -reportHTML -detailed <report file name>
your SOAtest command line invocation might be
soatestcli.exe -config <configuration name> -resource <path to test suite name.tst relative to the workspace> -report <report file>
SOAtest 5.5 and earlier: If your SOAtest command line invocation to run all test suites within a directory was
st.exe -cmd -runtest -all <directory path>
your SOAtest command line invocation might be
soatestcli.exe -config <configuration name> -resource <directory path relative to the workspace> -report <report file>
WebKing: If your WebKing command line invocation to run all test suites within a directory was
wk.exe -cmd -runtest -all <directory path>
your SOAtest command line invocation might be
soatestcli.exe -config <configuration name> -resource <directory path relative to the workspace> -report <report file>
The following tables show the differences in command line options between previous versions of SOAtest or WebKing and SOAtest 9.x.
Note that the following options cannot be used together.
Action | Previous SOAtest/WebKing option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Run tests | -runTest | no flag is needed |
Run static analysis on wsdl | -runwsdltest | Deprecated - but replaced with equivalent WSDL static analysis options. See the note below for details. |
Execute script | -run | Deprecated - please contact Technical Support for assistance migrating scripts to 9.x. |
There are three ways to statically analyze WSDLs in SOAtest 9.x:
Action | Previous SOAtest/WebKing option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Run all tests recursively starting at the specified directory. | -all <directory> | To run all tests in the workspace: no flag is needed To run all tests in a particular project: -resource <directory path relative to the workspace> |
Ignore a test | -ignore <file name> | To ignore/include all tests in a sub-folder: -exclude <sub-folder> / -include <sub-folder>. The -include flag allows to specify a subset of the resources indicated by the -resource flag. (DO NOT start the resources after the -include/-exclude flags with a '/ '.) To ignore/include a test from the resources specified in the -resource flag : -exclude <file name> / -include <file name> (DO NOT start the resources after the -include/-exclude flags with a '/'.) |
Run a specific test file | <file name> | -resource <path to test suite name.tst relative to the workspace> |
Search and replace router | -router [matchWhole] | -router matchWhole <searchURI:URI> <replaceURI:URI> This feature is now deprecated. Please use Environments instead. |
Specify test name patterns | -testName [-match] <pattern> [-dataSourceRow <row>] [-dataSourceName <name>] | -testName [match:] <test name> -dataSourceRow <row> -dataSourceName <name> |
Specify environment options | -environment <environment_name> | -environment <environment_name> |
Run tests with a single data source row | [-dataSourceRow <row>] [-dataSourceName <name>] | -dataSourceRow <row> -dataSourceName <name> |
Report test results to HP (Mercury) TestDirector | -testDirector <test file> <report file> | -testDirector <testFile:file> <reportFile:file> |
Report test results to Rational TestManager | -testManager [-v] | -testManagerVerbose Integration with Rational TestManager is deprecated. |
Specify browser used for web scenario playback. | -browserType | See Configuring Browser Playback Options. |
Action | Previous SOAtest/WebKing option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Execute the specified tool | <toolname> | Run a Test Configuration that executes a .tst file that includes the specified tool. Or, run a Test Configuration that applies the specified type of tool |
Action | Previous SOAtest/WebKing option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Generate reports | -genreport or <report format flag> <report file> (see "Report formats") | -report <report file> |
Show traffic for successful tests | -reportAllTraffic | Deprecated |
Report formats | -reportHTML, -reportXML, and -reportPDF | Specified in the local properties file using the following option: report.format=html|pdf|custom |
Detailed versus summary reports | -detailed and -summary | Specified in the local properties file using the following option: report.developer_errors=true|false |
Mailing reports | -mail -attach to:[email protected] | Specified in the local properties file using the following options: report.mail.enabled=true|false: See Testing from the Command Line Interface - soatestcli for details |
Publish reports to DTP | N/A | -publish Prior to SOAtest 9.10.2, this option published reports to Team Server (see Team Server Options). This feature also requires DTP 5.3.x or later. |
Specify configuration to be used for report generation | -config:<configuration name> | Specified in the local properties file using the available reporting options. |
Action | Previous SOAtest/WebKing option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Send reports to Team Server | N/A | -publishteamserver Note that -publishteamserver uses the Team Server configuration in the GUI by default. Alternatively, you can specify these settings in the local properties file. |
Action | Previous SOAtest/WebKing option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Specify local license | -password [expiration date] [password] | Specified in the local properties file using the following options: <tool name>.license.local.expiration=[expiration] and <tool name>.license.local.password=[password] |
Specify license server: | -licenseserver [host]:[port] | Specified in the local properties file using the following options: <tool name> and <tool name> |
Action | Previous SOAtest/WebKing option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Show help | -dump | -help |
Show version | N/A | -version |
Installer options | -initjython, -installcertificate, -uninstallcertificate | -initjython, -installcertificate, -uninstallcertificate |
Specify classpath entries | -extraClasspath | Specified in the local properties file using the following option: |
For more details on SOAtest 9.x’s command line interface, see Testing from the Command Line Interface - soatestcli.