This section covers:

Direct testing of Wind River workbench projects (without creating a test project) should be applied if:
- The project under test does not have any sub-projects, and
- All the source files included in its build targets belong to this project.
If a project has a hierarchical structure or if its build target definition contains resources from other projects, it should not be directly tested. Instead, create a test project as described in Using Test Projects in Wind River Workbench.
Configuring Projects for Testing
Before you start testing, ensure that the project’s compiler/linker options source is correctly set. In most cases, C++test automatically detects the necessary settings. The compiler/linker flags source settings are specified in the Build Settings. To access the build settings:
- Right-click the project’s Navigator node, then choose Properties from the shortcut menu
- Expand the Parasoft> C++test category in the left pane.
- Select the Build Settings category in the left pane.

The following configuration options are available:
- Options source – Allows you to specify the strategy to collect compiler/linker switches.
- For direct testing of Wind River projects, choose Use Options from Wind River Workbench project. The C++test options extractor is designed to scan Workbench-generated make files; it scans the compiler/linker executable name, compiler/linker command lines, and the system environment used to start the compilation/linking process. All these settings are later used during the C++test analysis.
- For custom projects (projects not managed by Workbench), you can try to use the Use options from a build system option, which is based on the same mechanism as Use options from Wind River Workbench project, but is designed for static (non-managed) makefile projects and does not scan the compiler executable name and the system environment used for starting the compilation/linking.
- Build target – Allows you to specify the build target that will be scanned to collect compiler/linker flags.
- Synchronize with project settings – If this is enabled, C++test will automatically detect the compiler version and compiler executable names that should be used for analysis. If this option is not selected, you can select the compiler family and enter the executable names for the compiler and linker of your choice.
- Note that automatic synchronization is performed at analysis time. As a result, when you are reviewing the settings, you may find—for example, that the currently displayed compiler executables do not match the ones used in your project.