This section covers:


Direct testing of Wind River workbench projects (without creating a test project) should be applied if:

If a project has a hierarchical structure or if its build target definition contains resources from other projects, it should not be directly tested. Instead, create a test project as described in Using Test Projects in Wind River Workbench.

Configuring Projects for Testing

Before you start testing, ensure that the project’s compiler/linker options source is correctly set. In most cases, C++test automatically detects the necessary settings. The compiler/linker flags source settings are specified in the Build Settings. To access the build settings:

  1. Right-click the project’s Navigator node, then choose Properties from the shortcut menu
  2. Expand the Parasoft> C++test category in the left pane.
  3. Select the Build Settings category in the left pane.

The following configuration options are available: