This topic explains how to configure and run static analysis on code that is designed to be compiled/built using ARM DS-5 suite. Since static analysis runs on pure code only, information and settings related to linking and running the test object are not relevant to this kind of testing. However you must have all compiler settings set properly.

To perform static analysis:

  1. Select the Navigator node that represents the resource(s) you want to test (a single file, a selection of multiple files, or the entire project).
  2. Start the analysis in one of the following ways:
  3. After the analysis begins, C++test will collect the analysis options, calculate the scope of the analysis, and then start the static analysis. After the analysis is completed, the summary dialog and the static analysis results will display in the C++test output panel. You can now review and respond to results, as well as generate reports, as described in the following sections:

If DS-5 and the C++test project build setttings are correctly set up, no additional configuration will be required to run static analysis. Select the resource that you want to test (the entire project or specific files), then run the desired static analysis Test Configuration. For more information on static analysis, see Static Code Analysis and Flow Analysis.