This topic explains how to install the standalone version of C/C++test (which is built on the Eclipse framework) on a Windows system.

The section includes:


System Requirements

Windows 64-bit

Windows 32-bit (deprecated)

In most cases, C/C++test needs to invoke the compiler and linker in order to perform static analysis and runtime testing tasks, which commonly involve preprocessing, compiling, and linking programs.

To access C/C++test’s full functionality, the machine where C/C++test is run must have the complete development environment and compiler toolchain.

  • Installation and initial run must be performed by a user with Administrator privileges.
  • When running C/C++test, you must have write access to the directory containing the testing workspace and project. Specifically, if you are using a non-Administrator account, you will need to copy C/C++test example projects from the 'Program Files' location into the user directory and run the tests on the copied projects.
  • The C++test CLI executable (cpptestcli.exe) should be executed from a directory with write access (because the working directory is the default location in which C/C++test generates the report after tests).
  • If your machine-id is WIN32-0, remove the file located in <DRIVE>:\Users\<USER_NAME>\.parasoft\C++test\10.x\license.

Other Requirements

For details on performing a silent installation see Preconfiguration C++test During Installation.

For details on running multiple instances of Eclipse with C/C++test in parallel see Multi-user Installations.


To install the standalone version of C/C++test on a Windows system:

  1. In Windows Explorer, locate and double-click the self-extracting archive.
  2. Click Yes when a dialog asks whether you want to install C++test.
  3. Select the language to use during the installation.
  4. Click Next after you have read and agreed with the license information.
  5. In Destination Location, enter the desired installation directory for C++test's files, then click Next.
    (info) C/C++test Professional includes Parasoft Test components that are common across a number of Parasoft products. If Parasoft Test is not yet installed, you will be asked to select an installation directory for Parasoft Test files. If Parasoft Test is already installed, C/C++test will be installed into it.
  6. Specify where you want the program’s shortcuts added in the Start Menu Folder.
  7. Click Install.

C/C++test will be installed in the specified installation directory.


For C/C++test to autodetect compiler and makefile settings, the necessary executables (compiler/linker, makefile, etc.) must be correctly configured. "Correctly configured" means different things for different compilers, but it typically involves ensuring that the executable is on the PATH.

To launch the standalone, do one of the following:

After Eclipse is launched, you should see a Parasoft menu added to the Eclipse menu bar. If you do not see this menu, choose Window> Open Perspective> Other, select C++test, then click OK.

If you suspect that C/C++test is not properly installed, see Troubleshooting and FAQs for help resolving some common installation problems.