In this section:

How can I get quick access to information about usage on the command line?

Use the -help command line switch:

cpptestcli.exe -help

How do I fix a failed installation while integrating C/C++test with Visual Studio with a registry key suffix specified?

Providing a long registry suffix may lead to installation failure due to the path length limitation on Windows. To ensure that C/C++test is successfully installed, specify a shorter registry suffix during installation.

Why do I get notified that Parasoft Plugin or its components are slowing down Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 on startup?

In Visual Studio 2017 and 2019, performance management monitors and manages extensions that can affect startup time. As a result, a pop-up alert may appear when Parasoft Plugin is installed to indicate that Visual Studio startup time has increased. You can click the 'Manage performance' link in the pop-up window to review the startup times and disable displaying the alert.

Why are some Parasoft options not available in the Solution Explorer context menu in Visual Studio 2017?

To have access to all Parasoft options in the Solution Explorer context menu, ensure that one of the following workloads is installed with your Visual Studio 2017:

  1. Run the Visual Studio Installer.
  2. Select the appropriate workloads when prompted.

Why does Visual Studio 2015 not display code markers?

If the Parasoft DTP Plugin for Visual Studio is reinstalled, Visual Studio 2015 may fail to display code markers that indicate analysis findings or code coverage in the editor. This is caused by a Visual Studio known issue (see MEFCache bug breaks text adornments in any package for details). 

To ensure that code markers are properly shown, clear the Visual Studio MEF cache each time you reinstall or updated the Parasoft DTP Plugin. Use one of the following options:

What if some characters fail to be properly displayed in C/C++test reports?

Reports generated by Parasoft products require a sans-serif font to be available in your environment. If your report fails to correctly display some characters, such as national characters, ensure that a sans-serif font is installed on your system.

How can I prevent my machine ID from floating?

Changes in the network environment may affect the interface that is used to compute your machine ID and result in machine ID instability. You can use the PARASOFT_SUPPORT_NET_INTERFACES environment variable to specify a stable interface and prevent the machine ID from floating.

  1. Set up the PARASOFT_SUPPORT_NET_INTERFACES environment variable.
  2. Set the variable value to a stable Ethernet network interface. Do not use virtual, temporary or loopback interfaces. 
    - On Windows: Set the value to the MAC address of your network card. You can use the ipconfig -all command to obtain the address.  For example:


    - On Linux: Set the value to one of the network interfaces from the "inet" or "inet6" family. You can use the ifconfig command to obtain the list of available interfaces. For example: 


If the problem persists, you can obtain diagnostic information by setting up the environment variable PARASOFT_DEBUG_NET_INTERFACES and setting its value to true. This will print to the standard output the checking procedure that can be shared with technical support, as well as the interface that is used to compute your machine ID. The interface will be marked with the [SELECTED] prefix.

How can I work with C/C++test via proxy?

Typically, if you connect through a proxy server, you need to configure the connection by passing protocol-specific system properties to the JVM – using the -D command line option.

To work with C/C++test, ensure that the system properties for the HTTPS protocol are configured. At a minimum, you must configure https.proxySet=true, https.proxyHost=[hostname], and https.proxyPort=[port number]. If your proxy server requires authentication, you can configure your credentials with the https.proxyUser and https.proxyPassword properties.

Your command line may resemble the following:

java -Dhttps.proxySet=true -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080 -Dhttps.proxyUser=user1 -Dhttps.proxyPassword=MyPassword

In addition, you can configure the https.nonProxyHosts property to specify hosts where connection via proxy is not required.

(info) If you use C/C++test on desktop with Eclipse, the proxy settings are automatically detected and do not need to be configured in the command line.

The proxy mode is not supported for Visual Studio.

What can I do if C/C++test reports a timeout during static analysis?

To ensure the analysis completes, you can do one of the following: