System Requirements

This section will help you verify that your system meets the minimum requirements for using C/C++test Standard.

Windows 64-bit

Linux 64-bit

x86 architecture

MIPS architecture

C/C++test requires Java 8 or higher to be installed on your machine.

Support for 32-bit Platforms (deprecated)

Support for 32-bit platforms is deprecated and will be removed in one of the future releases. For details about the deprecation policy, contact your Parasoft representative.

Windows 32-bit (deprecated)

Linux 32-bit (deprecated)

1C/C++test  may allocate up to 1GB RAM on 32-bit machines or up to 2GB RAM on 64-bit machines for the Java Virtual Machine process. You can change memory allocation for the JVM process in the [INSTALL_DIR]/etc/cpptestcli.jvm configuration file (-Xmx option). When running an analysis, C/C++test’s native code analyzers will require additional memory, depending on the test configuration parameters.

IDE Integration

Parasoft C/C++test Standard can analyze locally buildable projects in your IDE . This section describes the requirements to import and work with findings in an IDE. To perform code analysis, ensure that your system meets the minimum system requirements.

Supported IDEs

1 Support for Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 is deprecated.

2 This user guide only covers installation details; see Extension for Visual Studio Code. For information about supported features and usage, see the extension documentation in Visual Studio Code.

DTP Integration

If you connect your C/C++test instance to DTP, ensure that the DTP version your connecting to supports your C/C++test version. For example, upgrading C/C++test to version 2020.1 requires upgrading DTP to version 2020.1.