These macros can be used in test case and stub sources to validate test case execution.

CPPTEST_FAIL(message)Fails unconditionally with a custom message.
CPPTEST_ASSERT(condition)Asserts a condition that evaluates to true.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_BITS(mask, expected, actual)Equivalent to CPPTEST_ASSERT_BITS_MESSAGE, but uses a general assertion message.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_BITS_MESSAGE(message, mask, expected, actual)Asserts that masked bits (using mask) of expected and actual are equal and prints a custom message on failure (mask, expected and actual are integer types). Only high bits from the mask are compared in expected and actual.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_BITS_HIGH(mask, actual)Equivalent to CPPTEST_ASSERT_BITS_HIGH but uses a general assertion message.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_BITS_HIGH_MESSAGE(message, mask, actual)Asserts that the masked bits (using mask) of actual are high and prints a custom message on failure (mask and actual are integer types). Only high bits from the mask are inspected in actual.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_BITS_LOW(mask, actual)Equivalent to CPPTEST_ASSERT_BITS_LOW but uses a general assertion message.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_BITS_LOW_MESSAGE(message, mask, actual)Asserts that the masked bits (using mask) of actual are low and prints a custom message on failure (mask and actual are integer types). Only high bits from the mask are inspected in actual.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_BIT_HIGH_MESSAGE(message, n, actual)Asserts that the nth bit of actual is high and prints a custom message on failure (n and actual are integer types).
CPPTEST_ASSERT_BIT_HIGH(n, actual)Equivalent to CPPTEST_ASSERT_BIT_HIGH but uses a general assertion message.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_BIT_LOW_MESSAGE(message, n, actual)Asserts that the nth bit of actual is low and prints a custom message on failure (n and actual are integer types).
CPPTEST_ASSERT_BIT_LOW(n, actual)Equivalent to CPPTEST_ASSERT_BIT_LOW but uses a general assertion message.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(message, condition)Asserts a condition that evaluates to true. Provides a custom message on failure.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, actual)Asserts that two values are equal.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(message, expected, actual)Asserts that two values are equal. Provides a custom message on failure.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_BOOL_EQUAL(expected, actual)Asserts that two boolean values are equal. If it fails, both the actual and expected values are reported. Failed assertions can be automatically validated by C++test from the Quality Tasks view.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_BOOL_EQUAL_MESSAGE(message, expected, actual)Asserts that two boolean values are equal. Provides a custom message on failure.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_INTEGER_EQUAL(expected, actual)Asserts that two integer values are equal. If it fails, both the actual and expected values are reported. Failed assertions can be automatically validated by C++test from the Quality Tasks view.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_INTEGER_EQUAL_MESSAGE(message, expected, actual)Asserts that two integer values are equal. Provides a custom message on failure.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_INTEGER_EQUAL_DELTA(expected, actual, delta)Asserts that two integer values are equal (up to the 'delta' accuracy).
CPPTEST_ASSERT_INTEGER_EQUAL_DELTA _MESSAGE(message, expected, actual, delta)Asserts that two integer values are equal (up to the 'delta' accuracy). Provides a custom message on failure.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_INTEGER_ARRAY_EQUAL(expected, actual, size)Asserts that two arrays of integer values are equal. First 'size' array elements are compared,
CPPTEST_ASSERT_INTEGER_ARRAY_EQUAL _DELTA(expected, actual, size, delta)Asserts that two arrays of integer values are equal (up to the 'delta' accuracy). First 'size' array elements are compared.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_UINTEGER_EQUAL(expect ed, actual)Asserts that two unsigned integer values are equal. If it fails, both the actual and expected values are reported. Failed assertions can be automatically validated by C++test from the Quality Tasks view.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_UINTEGER_EQUAL_MESSAGE(message, expected, actual)Asserts that two unsigned integer values are equal. Provides a custom message on failure.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_UINTEGER_EQUAL_DELTA(expected, actual, delta)Asserts that two unsigned integer values are equal (up to the 'delta' accuracy).
CPPTEST_ASSERT_UINTEGER_EQUAL_DELTA_MESSAGE(message, expected, actual, delta)Asserts that two unsigned integer values are equal (up to the 'delta' accuracy). Provides a custom message on failure.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_UINTEGER_ARRAY_EQUAL(expected, actual, size) Asserts that two arrays of unsigned integer values are equal. First 'size' array elements are compared.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_UINTEGER_ARRAY_EQUAL_DELTA(expected, actual, size, delta)Asserts that two arrays of unsigned integer values are equal (up to the 'delta' accuracy). First 'size' array elements are compared.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_EQUAL_DELTA(expected, actual, delta)Asserts that two floating point values are equal (up to the delta accuracy). First 'size' array elements are compared.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_EQUAL_DELTA_MESSAGE(message, expected, actual, delta) Asserts that two floating point values are equal (up to the delta accuracy). Provides a custom message on failure.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_ARRAY_EQUAL_DELTA(expected, actual, size, delta) Asserts that two arrays of floating point values are equal (up to the 'delta' accuracy).
CPPTEST_ASSERT_CSTR_EQUAL(expected, actual)Asserts that two C-style strings are equal. If it fails, both the actual and expected values are reported.   Failed assertions can be automatically validated by C++test from the Quality Tasks view.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_CSTR_EQUAL_MESSAGE (message, expected, actual)Asserts that two C-style strings are equal. Provides a custom message on failure.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_CSTR_ARRAY_EQUAL(expected, actual, size)Asserts that two arrays of C-style strings are equal. First 'size' array elements are compared.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_CSTR_N_EQUAL(expected, actual, max_size)Asserts that two C-style strings are equal (only first ’max_size’ characters are compared). If it fails,  both the actual and expected values are reported. Failed assertions can be automatically validated by C++test from the Quality Tasks view.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_CSTR_N_EQUAL_MESSAGE(message, expected, actual, max_size)Asserts that two C-style strings are equal (only first ’max_size’ characters are compared). Provides a custom message on failure.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_MEM_BUFFER_EQUAL(expected, actual, size)Asserts that two data buffers are equal (compares ’size’ number of bytes). If it fails, both the actual and expected values are reported. Failed assertions can be automatically validated by C++test from the Quality Tasks view.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_MEM_BUFFER_EQUAL_MESSAGE(message, expected, actual, size)Asserts that two data buffers are equal (compares ’size’ number of bytes). Provides a custom message on failure.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_PTR_EQUAL(expected, actual)Asserts that two pointer values are equal. If it fails, both the actual and expected values are reported. Failed assertions can be automatically validated by C++test from the Quality Tasks view.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_PTR_EQUAL_MESSAGE(message, expected, actual)Asserts that two pointer values are equal. Provides a custom message on failure.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_PTR_ARRAY_EQUAL(expected, actual, size)Asserts that two arrays of pointers are equal. First 'size' array elements are compared.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_WCSTR_EQUAL(expected, actual)Asserts that two C-style wide character strings are equal. If it fails, both the actual and expected values are reported. Failed assertions can be automatically validated by C++test from the Quality Tasks view.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_WCSTR_EQUAL_MESSAGE(message, expected, actual)Asserts that two C-style wide character strings are equal. Provides a custom message on failure.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_THROW(expression, ExceptionType)Asserts that the given expression throws an exception of the specified type.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_THROW_MESSAGE(message, expression, ExceptionType)Asserts that the given expression throws an exception of specified type. Provides a custom message on failure.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_NO_THROW(expression)Asserts that the given expression does not throw any exceptions.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_NO_THROW_MESSAGE(message, expression)Asserts that the given expression does not throw any exceptions. Provides a custom message on failure.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_EXTERNAL(program, param1, param2, param3)Uses an external application to validate values. The first parameter specifies the executable to run. The program receives three parameters (param1, param2, param3). If it returns a non-zero value, the assert fails and the program stdout is used as the failure message.
CPPTEST_ASSERT_EXTERNAL_MESSAGE(message, program, param1, param2, param3)Uses an external application to validate values. The first parameter specifies the executable to run. The program receives three parameters (param1, param2, param3). If it returns a non-zero value, the assert fails and the custom message is used as the failure message.

Asserts that dynamic memory blocks allocated during the current test case execution were deallocated before this macro call.

Note: This macro requires the Memory Monitoring feature to be enabled in the Test Configuration (see Runtime Error Detection).