This topic explains how to installSOAtest from a Eclipse p2 update site.
When installing from the update site, you need to install the Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework (GEF). You can download and install Eclipse GEF from
.When installing Parasoft SOAtest from the p2 update site on Windows, it is necessary to run the .bat script named soatest_install.bat
.This script is installed into the eclipse
directory of the Eclipse installation into which you installed the update site. It script registers some dlls that are needed for web functional testing using Internet Explorer. It executes tasks that are normally completed by the Parasoft installers, but are not supported by the p2 update site. This script must be run as administrator.
Mac OS Installation Using the Eclipse Installer If you have installed Eclipse on Mac using the Eclipse installer, you will need to start Eclipse from the command line before using the update site. |
A valid license is required. See Licensing for details on configuring your license.