These instructions explain how to configure the Parasoft JDBC Driver on TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.7. In order to virtualize JDBC connections initiated from JDBC Query or JDBC Call Procedure activities within a process, the Parasoft JDBC Driver properties need to be configured in TIBCO Designer first so they can then be applied on the TIBCO Engine when the process is deployed via TIBCO Administrator.

The configuration involves


When using stored procedures in TIBCO BusinessWorks with the deprecated DataDirect driver, an additional system property may be needed if there activities that are configured with both a Schema and a Catalog/Package name. See Additional Properties When Using the TIBCO DataDirect JDBC Driver for details.

Applying the Parasoft JDBC Driver

Place ParasoftJDBCDriver.jar under [TIBCO BW Install Dir]/tra/5.7/lib. This location applies to both TIBCO Designer and TIBCO the TIBCO BW Engine.

Configuring TIBCO Designer

Configuring Java System Properties

Open [TIBCO BW Install Dir]/designer/5.7/bin/designer.tra and add the Parasoft JDBC Driver system properties prefixed with “java.”, for example:


# Parasoft JDBC Driver properties http://virtualizeHostName:9080 TIBCO_Designer_on_MyProcess false true

Additional Properties When Using the TIBCO DataDirect JDBC Driver

TIBCO BusinessWorks versions earlier than 5.7 included DataDirect JDBC drivers with the package tibcosoftwarein.jdbc.*. These drivers have been deprecated by TIBCO in favor of using database vendor drivers:

If you are using stored procedures in TIBCO BusinessWorks with the DataDirect driver—and if there are activities that are configured with both a Schema and a Catalog/Package name—an additional system property may be needed if there activities that are configured with both a Schema and a Catalog/Package name.

In some cases the Parasoft JDBC  Driver will be passed calls like {call Schema.Package.Procedure(?)} which will fail with a SQLException about the stored procedure not being found. This a result of a difference in how TIBCO treats the Parasoft JDBC Driver versus the DataDirect driver. 

The remedy is to remove either Schema or Package—or both. The specifics vary based on environment. To indicate which to remove, use the parasoft.virtualize.driver.procedure.prefix system property. Available settings are:



Does nothing to the original query.

This is the default value.

1Removes Schema {call Package.Procedure(?)}
2Removes the Catalog/Package {call Schema.Procedure(?)}
3Removes both {call Procedure(?)}


Here is an example property setting in designer.tra:
Java. parasoft.virtualize.driver.procedure.prefix 2

This property can be applied to any driver in use since it can strip the stored procedure prefixes regardless of the driver (if needed).

Configuring a Shared JDBC Connection

You can either create a new JDBC connection, which uses the Parasoft JDBC Driver, or alter an existing one (already referenced by existing processes) to use the Parasoft JDBC Driver. The first option would require that processes you want to virtualize are adjusted to use the new JDBC connection.




In either case, it is recommended that you provide the JDBC Driver and Database URL values as global variables so the values can be adjusted in TIBCO Administrator without rebuilding the process archive every time a change is made to these fields.



If you click the Test Connection button in the JDBC Connection form, you should see a dialog with database information; this confirms that everything was configured successfully. For example:


Configuring the Process

If a new shared JDBC connection was created, then processes that use it need to be changed to use that new connection.


Testing the Process

Processes configured with the Parasoft JDBC Driver can be tested directly in TIBCO Designer before they are deployed. Use TIBCO Designer Tester to launch the process on a test engine:



At this point, when you invoke the process, the related JDBC Controller should appear in the Virtualize Server view. You can control the Parasoft JDBC Driver mode from the Virtualize Server view while that process is running in Tester.

Building the Process Archive

This step needs to be performed at least once so that the Parasoft JDBC Driver properties get applied in the process. The initial building steps ensure that the properties are available to configure in Administrator. The property values can be changed later without rebuilding the archive using TIBCO Administrator.


Configuring TIBCO Administrator

To configure TIBCO Administrator:

  1. Deploy the process.

  2. Specify the desired values for the properties under the application Configuration/Advanced section.

  3. Start the process.

Once the process is invoked and the JDBC connection is established, the related JDBC Controller should show in the Virtualize Server view. From this point forward, you can control it from the Virtualize Server view (or from Environment Manager).