Load Test preferences can be customized in the in the Preferences panel, which can be accessed by choosing File> Customize Preferences (or pressing Alt + F2).

Once this panel is open, you can modify settings through the following tabs:


This page displays deployment details of a built in component (e.g., a jar file that drives the load tests). It displays component deployment properties such as the Java class name of the main component class as well as component validation messages.


You can set the following settings in the GUI panel:

Load Test must be restarted in order for GUI changes to take effect.


You can specify Jython and Java properties used for custom scripts in the Load Test Preferences panel’s Scripting tab.


You can set the following setting in the Start-up panel:

System Properties

This panel lets you add JAR files and class folders to the classpath if needed. Use the available controls to add or remove JAR files and class folders. The specified JAR files and classpaths will be added to the system's classpath and the corresponding classes will be loaded into the JVM after Load Test is restarted.