This chapter provides sample instructions for deploying Virtualize Server to WebSphere 2.6. See Upgrading for WebSphere Deployments for instructions on updating to a new version of the SOAtest and Virtualize Server.
- Download parasoft_soavirt_server_<version>.zip and extract the soavirt.war file.
- Install WebSphere and create a server. Review the documentation for installation instructions: Installing, Updating, and Configuring WebSphere 8.5 and 8.5.5.
You can download WebSphere from the WebSphere for Developers repository: - In the Profile Creation Summary, check the Location (<WEBSPHERE_HOME>) and Server name (<SERVER_NAME>).
- Verify that your installation of WebSphere uses Java 8. The following article describes how to do this: Which Java version is my WebSphere Application Server V8.5 using?
If you need to install Java 8 for WebSphere, the following article provides instructions: Installing IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition Version 8.0 using the GUI
- Run the following command to verify that the server is running:
<WEBSPHERE_HOME>/bin/serverStatus.bat <SERVER_NAME>
If the server is not running, run the startServer.bat script to start it:
<WEBSPHERE_HOME>/bin/startServer.bat <SERVER_NAME>
- Log into WebSphere administrative console: http://localhost:9060/ibm/console. You can leave the user ID field empty or use the ID created when you installed WebSphere.
- Choose Applications> Application Types> WebSphere enterprise applications and uninstall the default apps.
- Choose Applications> New Application> New Enterprise Application and select the soavirt.war file.
- Click Next.
- Choose Fast Path and click Next.
- Set the Directory to install option to <SERVER_HOME> and click Next.
- Select the SOAVirt module and click Next.
- Leave “default_host” and click Next.
- Verify that the Context root is set to “/” and click Next.
- Verify the configuration and click Next.
- When the installation completes, click Save directly to the master configuration.
- Choose Applications> Application Types> WebSphere enterprise applications and click SOAVirt.
- In the Modules settings group, choose Manage Modules and select the SOAVirt module.
- Change the class loader order to parent last and click OK.
- In the Detail Properties settings group, choose Class loading and update detection.
- Change the class loader order to parent last and click OK.
- Click OK and click Save directly to the master configuration.
- Specify the ports and the appropriate license in the file at <SOAVIRT_HOME>/<SOAVIRT_WAR>.ear/<SOAVIRT_WAR>/WEB-INF/
- (Optional) If you want to deploy the WAR file over HTTPS, perform the following steps to configure for SSL:
- Choose Security> SSL certificate and key management> Key stores and certificates> NodeDefaultKeystore> Personal certificates and click Import/Create SSL certificate.
- Choose Security> SSL certificate and key management> SSL configurations> NodeDefaultSSLSettings and set the Default server certificate alias option to use the new certificate.
- Choose Servers> Server Types> WebSphere Application Servers> <SERVER_NAME>> Ports and change the WC_defaulthost_secure port to match the
port setting configured in the file. - Choose Environment> Virtual Hosts> default_host> Host Aliases and add a new Host Alias:
Host Name = *
Port = SSL port
- Click Save directly to the master configuration.
- Restart the server using the following commands:
<WEBSPHERE_HOME>/bin/stopServer.bat <SERVER_NAME>
<WEBSPHERE_HOME>/bin/startServer.bat <SERVER_NAME>
- Open http://localhost:<WEB_PORT>. The <WEB_PORT> should be the same as the port configured in WC_defaulthost port in Servers> Server Types> WebSphere Application Servers> <SERVER_NAME>> Ports.
If the following message appears, then the application installed correctly:
There are no deployments on this server. Cannot respond to this request: /. |
If the installation is successful, a workspace directory will be created in the following location:
About Valid Query Parameters
The expected format for query parameters is name=value
. The default behavior for queries that do not include the equals sign (=
) is to return a null value. You can configure WebSphere (version to return an empty string as the value when requests contain only string names in query parameters.
Setting the following property in the web container custom properties settings:
Refer to the WebSphere documentation for additional information: