You can implement custom static analysis rules to support your organization's specific development policy. Custom rules are created with a separate tool called Parasoft Rule Wizard (not included with DTP; contact your Parasoft representative for information) and managed within the context of the rule map. The rule map is associated with test configurations that are executed by the analysis tool.
Custom rules can be stored in DTP, which enables you to view the custom rule in the test configuration administration page and enable/disable the rule for selected test configurations. The configurations stored in DTP can be ran by connected Parasoft code analysis and test execution tools (C/C++test, dotTEST, Jtest), which ensures coding consistency. Also see Test Configurations.
In this chapter:
Refer to the Rule Wizard documentation for instructions on creating custom rules (not included with DTP; contact your Parasoft representative for information). Rule Wizard outputs custom rules in a .rule file. Documentation for the rule is also created in Rule Wizard.
In the Custom Rule section, click Select Files and browse fro the .rule file(s) you want to upload.
Some rules created in Rule Wizard are complex, so the .rule file may be accompanied by an ext subfolder that contains an extension for the rule. You can compress the .rule file and extension folder into a .zip file and upload it to DTP. The .zip file will be decompressed and stored on the server.
Click Download All Custom Rules to download any custom rule files associated with the rule map. |
In order to use the custom rule, the test configuration it was added to must be associated with the rule map. See Associating Test Configurations with Rule Maps.
You can also enable custom rules in Parasoft tools without including DTP to your workflow. Refer to the documentation for your Parasoft tool for instructions on how to define and use the custom rules in your projects.