In the event of a disruption, such as a hardware failure, that causes the database to be out of sync with DTP, all data should be recoverable if the database was synced with the production server.

Reports of analysis, published sources, and detailed coverage information are stored in file. So if the database is in sync, but the complete file system was not copied over, the following scenarios are possible:

Ensuring that the database is in sync is critical for disaster recovery. Consider the following scenario as an example:

You would have files up to 10 p.m. on 5/13 that can be processed by Data Collector. As for the analysis results, the database would be synced to the state of the production database at 10 p.m. on 5/13. Any other changes in the production database (e.g., prioritization actions, etc.) that were performed through the UI or REST API between 3/30 and 5/13 would be lost.