DTP and Data Collector both need to be running to back up the Data Collector directory. There are two endpoints associated with the Data Collector back up process:

POST: https://<address>:8082/api/v2/dataCollector/backup/start

This endpoint accepts a POST request and requires authentication. 

Data Collector will finish processing any report that has already started and be put on standby.

New files will not be processed, but Data Collector will still be able to receive and queue files.

A ZIP file containing the back up is generated in <INSTALL_DIR>/data/_DEFAULT_/backup (contents of the input directory are not backed up).

Check the status of your back up with the GET endpoint.

GET: https://<address>:8082/api/v2/dataCollector/backup/status

This endpoint accepts a GET request and requires authentication.

This endpoint provides the status of the backup currently in progress or the most recent backup process.

The following information is included:

Restoring Data Collector

The contents of input directory are not backed up by the process. The input directory from the back up zip will be empty.

  1. Unzip the backup file created with the POST endpoint (see Backing Up Data Collector).
  2. Copy, move, or replace the folders in <INSTALL_DIR>/data/_DEFAULT_/data with the contents of the unzipped backup folder.