Your upgrade path depends on which version of DTP you are upgrading from and if you are upgrading DTP Enterprise Pack. Some older versions of DTP and Enterprise Pack shipped separately, which necessitated some manual backup and upgrade processes.

The following table describes recommended upgrade paths:

Upgrade fromUpgrade path

5.4.0 and later with and without Enterprise Pack

Run the latest installer to perform this upgrade.

See Basic Upgrade.

5.3.2 - 5.3.3 with Enterprise Pack

Create a back up of your current Enterprise Pack and run the latest DTP installer.

Restore the backed up Enterprise Pack data to the new installation.

See 5.3.2 - 5.3.3 with Enterprise Pack.

5.0.0 and later without Enterprise Pack

Run the latest installer to perform this upgrade.

See Basic Upgrade.

5.0.0 - 5.3.1 with PIE 1.3 or older

Back up your Enterprise Pack (PIE) database and deployed extensions.

Run the latest DTP installer.

Deploy the backed up PIE data to the new installation after running the installer.

See 5.0.0 - 5.3.1 with PIE 1.x.

4.x (Concerto) and older

Upgrading from Concerto directly to the latest version of DTP is not supported. You must upgrade to DTP 5.4.0 prior to upgrading to the latest version.

After upgrading to 5.4.0, you will be able to use the basic upgrade process.

See Upgrading from Concerto (4.x).