This topic explains how the monitor (an optional role) oversees the code review process.
Sections include:
The monitor's task is similar to the reviewer's, except that the monitor doesn't have to comment on revisions. The monitor is responsible for supervising the revision process. However, the monitor has the ability to comment on a revision (for example, to give developers additional tips). The monitor may also close To Review tasks or issues created by reviewers. Although the author is responsible for closing his issues, the monitor may do so if needed (for instance, if the author is absent or the revision is obsolete).
If you want to close one or more issues, right-click the appropriate item(s) in the code review tree, then choose Close from the shortcut menu.
If you want to add another reviewer (e.g., for a second opinion), right-click the appropriate item(s) in the code review tree, then choose Add Reviewer from the shortcut menu.
If you want to reassign the review to another reviewer, right-click the appropriate item(s) in the code review tree, then choose Reassign from the shortcut menu.