The SOAP Client tool sends messages to SOAP servers. This tool is available in SOAtest and Virtualize.To send a message using the SOAP Client tool, you need to tell SOAtest or Virtualize what message to send and how to send it. This is done by specifying the parameters in the tool’s configuration panel.

Information on how to configure the different options of the SOAP Client tool can be found in the following subsections:

WSDL Options

Specifying options in the WSDL tab allows you to populate the Request tab with items that make it easier for you to specify the request message. You can specify the following WSDL settings:

The WSDL tab allows you to specify the following WSDL settings:

Request Options

The Request tab allows you to configure the request that you want the tool to send.

From the Request tab of the SOAP Client tool, you can select input modes from the Views drop-down list. The SOAP Client tool shares these options with the Messaging Client tool and Message Stub tool. For more information on these shared options, see Views/Input Modes Overview.

Transport Options

The Transport options allow you to determine whether the client sends requests using HTTP 1.0, HTTP 1.1, JMS, SonicMQ, WebSphere MQ, RMI, SMTP, TIBCO, .NET WCF HTTP, or .NET WCF TCP protocols. To configure the properties of each protocol, select the appropriate protocol from the Transport drop-down list within the Transport tab of the SOAP Client tool.

Tip - Copying and Pasting Transport Settings Across Tools

You can copy transport settings from one tool to another. Just select the left-pane setting categories that you want to copy, then use right-click copy and paste commands.

Attachment Options

The Attachment tab allows you to send either Binary or XML attachments without scripting. To send an attachment, perform the following from the Attachment tab:

  1. Click the Add button. An XML Attachment entry displays in the Attachment table.
  2. Double-click the XML Attachment entry. An Edit Attachments dialog displays.
  3. In the Edit Attachments dialog, select either XML or Binary from the Mode drop-down menu.
  4. Configure the attachment:

WS-Policy Options

The WS-Policy tab is used to keep track of which policy the tool is using. It also allows you to switch between policies and update the attached tools based on that policy.

The following options are available in the WS-Policy tab of the SOAP Client tool:

Misc Options

The following options are available in the Misc tab of the SOAP Client tool: