This topic explains how manage the Responder suite. This section includes:

Deleting Tools
To delete a tool, right-click the related Virtual Asset Explorer tree node, then choose Delete from the shortcut menu.
Disabling/Enabling a Tool or Responder Suite
You can temporarily disable tools or Responder suites that you want to save as part of your project, but do not want to use at the current time.
To disable or enable a tool or Responder suite,
- Right-click the related tree node(s), then choose Disable or Enable from the shortcut menu.
To enable or disable all tools of the same type from the Responder suite level:
- Right-click the main Responder suite tree node.
- Choose Search and Replace> Enable/Disable> [Tool Type] from the shortcut menu. Only tools that are used in the Responder suite display in the shortcut menu. Whatever tool you select, will be enabled or disabled in the entire Responder suite wherever it is used. Disabled tools will turn gray indicating that they are disabled and the Responder suite will function as if the tools are not there.
Saving and Restoring a Responder Suite
Responder suites are saved when you save a project file and are restored whenever you open the related project file.
Exporting a Responder Suite
To export Responder suites:
- Right-click the Virtual Asset Explorer tree node that you want to be exported, then select Export from the shortcut menu.
- Select the appropriate .pva file from the file chooser that opens.
Importing a Responder Suite
To import a previously-saved Responder suite:
- Right-click the Virtual Asset Explorer tree node where you want the Responder suite integrated, then select Add New> Responder suite from the shortcut menu.
- Select Import .pva File and click the Finish button.
- Select the appropriate .pva file from the file chooser that opens. After you import a Responder suite, it will be integrated into the current Responder suite.