This topic explains how to work with projects and .pva files, which are saved in XML format. The same strategies apply to action suites / .pvn files.

In this section:

Working with Projects

Saving a Project File

Any changes that you make to project properties, Responder suites, and so on are automatically saved to the project. Projects will remain open until you explicitly close them.

Closing a Project File

When you close a project file, Virtualize will close all related trees and settings. Closed projects are shown in the Navigator, but not in the Virtual Asset Explorer.

To close the current project and all related setting:

Opening a Project File

When you open a project file, all associated trees, settings, and reports will be restored. To open a project file:

Working with .pva Files 

Opening .pva Files

By default, .pva files are closed. All open .pva files are loaded into memory.

There are two ways to open a .pva file:

Closed .pva files have a "closed box" icon. 

Open  .pva files  have the following "open box" icon.

Closing .pva Files

There are two ways to close a .pva file: