You can enable DTP to store information associated with user log-in and log-out activity in a separate log. This functionality is disabled by default. Open the <DTP_install_dir>/grs/config/RSConfig.xml configuration file and add the following entry to the <report-server-config>
element to enable this functionaliy:
You can disable this functionality later on by setting the value to false
When this functionality is enabled, information about user log-in events is written to a CSV-formatted file stored in <DTP_install_dir>/logs/user-access.log. The contents of the file can easily be imported into a spreadsheet. The file is rolled every month.
The log file contains the following information about log-in events:
Example Log-in Entry:
"2016-01-20 13:13:35,483","LOGIN","user_login","true","Default Project,Empty Project"
The log file contains the following information about log-out events:
Example Log-out Entry:
"2016-01-20 13:13:35,483","LOGOUT","admin"
This report enables you to monitor development team activity and make sure that available licenses are being used.