In this section:

About the DTP and GRS Databases

There are two databases associated with DTP:

DTP DatabaseThe DTP database introduced in DTP 5.0 stores user data and data associated with Report Center. The DTP database includes support for data from the 10.x series of Parasoft code analysis and test execution tools (C/C++test, Jtest, dotTEST). All current DTP features use data stored in the DTP database.
GRS DatabaseThe GRS database stores additional data required for using DTP.

 Each DTP server should be connected to its own database to avoid data-related problems.

Checking Database Updater Status

  1. Choose Report Center Settings from settings (gear icon) menu. 
  2. Choose Report Center Administration from the Additional Settings drop-down menu.
  3. Choose Tools> Update Database> Db Updater Status to view statistics about the current Report Center database structure, including the internal database version number.

Uploading Reports to Data Collector

You can upload XML report files generated by Parasoft code analysis tools directly to DTP.

  1. Choose Report Center Settings from settings (gear icon) menu and choose Data Collector Upload Form from the Additional Settings drop-down menu.
  2. Enter your credentials (administrator access is required) and click Upload.
  3. Click Choose File when prompted and browse for the report you want to upload.
  4. Click Confirm to finish uploading.

You can add the Data Collector Diagnostics widget to your dashboard to verify that the report was uploaded to the database. Check your report configuration settings if the widget returns a status error.