This topic provides details specific to working with the local Virtualize Server.

Sections include:

For an overview of local vs. remote Virtualize servers, see Dedicated (Remote) Virtualize Servers vs. The Local Virtualize Server.

Starting and Stopping the Server

The local Virtualize server can be started and stopped from the Virtualize Server view or from the command line.

Starting and stopping the server is essentially starting and stopping:

From the GUI

Starting the Server

To start the local Virtualize server:

  1. Open the Virtualize Server view (if it is not available, choose Window> Show View> Virtualize Server).
  2. If the Server node does not have a green ball icon to the left of it, start the local Virtualize server in one of the following ways:

Stopping the Server

You can stop the local Virtualize server (making any virtual assets on the local Virtualize server inaccessible) in any of the following ways:

From the Command Line

To start the local Virtualize server from the command line:

When starting Virtualize in this way, the Start deactivated, release automatically when idle option (in Parasoft> Preferences> Parasoft> License) needs to be disabled. Otherwise, you won’t be able to add this server from another Virtualize installation’s UI.

Available Command Line Options

You can use the following command line options with virtualizecli:

Deploying Virtual Assets

For instructions on how to deploy virtual assets to the local Virtualize server, see Deploying Virtual Assets.

Saving Deployment Changes

If you want to save local virtual asset settings before exiting Virtualize, right-click the Local machine node in the Virtualize Server view and choose Save Deployment Changes.

Collecting Server Statistics

If your organization wants to monitor asset usage statistics for this server, you can configure the server to collect statistics, then view the collected statistics from either Virtualize or the CTP interface.

Server statistics collection can help you:

Enabling Statistics Collection

To view and modify server statistics collection:

  1. Start Virtualize Server in GUI mode.
  2. In that GUI, open the configuration panel for the server you want visibility into (double-click its Virtualize Server view node).
  3. In the Server Configuration tab, review and modify the available options:

Reviewing Server Statistics

To see a summary of server statistics in Virtualize, open the Virtualize server’s configuration panel, then review the statistics in the Monitoring tab.

"Unrecognized" refers to messages that were received by the Virtualize server, but did not match the listening paths on any virtual asset or HTTP proxy.

"Unmatched" refers to request messages that matched a virtual asset, but failed to match any responder correlations. The unmatched hits are grouped according to the request’s source IP/host and the first virtual asset that attempts to serve this request.

Additional details are available for viewing and export in CTP: