Many users have HP Quality Center, Rational TestManager, or other commercial or internally-built frameworks to manage tests and execution results. Parasoft SOAtest integrates with common frameworks, including QC.
Tests in QC can be modeled to mirror the .tst files created with SOAtest and correlated with them. When users execute a test in QC, it will execute the corresponding .tst file and show the results directly within QC.
There are two models for using SOAtest and QC together:
The second approach is highly recommended since it does not create dependencies based on a specific user’s machine. Parasoft SOAtest server can get the latest snapshot of a test from the repository every time it executes the test. This approach allows you to have the test files in a source control system and, at the same time, access and correlate them with QC.
For details on how to integrate SOAtest and QC, see Using HP ALM and HP Quality Center with SOAtest.