This tool simplifies the use of ISO 8583 by providing a graphical "form" view for configuring responses. Each Message Responder responds to incoming request messages that match its Responder Correlation criteria. Responses can be configured in a variety of modes, ranging from simple fixed messages to dynamic parameterized messages using a data source. Message Responders are protocol agnostic, but the transport protocol or API to access a responder is defined in the deployment configuration of the PVA. 

You can create an ISO 8583 Message Responder tool directly from the Add Responder wizards.  This responder is preconfigured as follows:

Resource ModeSchema
XML Message TypePlain XML
Response tab viewForm ISO 8583 

Form ISO 8583 input mode allows you to define and parameterize ISO 8583 payloads (both body and header) via a graphical interface; this is described in Form ISO 8583 View Options.

All of the available configuration options for this type of message responder are covered in Message Responder Overview.

For tips on virtualizing ISO 8583 services, see Using ISO 8583.