SOAtest can create tests that enforce policies applied to Web service assets that are declared in a Software AG CentraSite Active SOA repository. You can select a service asset and choose the desired policies to enforce.

To enforce CentraSite Active SOA policies, complete the following:

  1. Choose the Other> CentraSite repository option in one of the available test creation wizards. For details on accessing the wizards, see:
  2. In the CentraSite wizard page, enter the location of the repository in the URL field, enter a Username and Password. To save these settings, click the Save to Preferences button.
  3. Click the Next button and enter a service name query in the Name Query Field. This allows you to query for services by name that are registered in CentraSite Active SOA.
  4. Click the Next button. A list of Available Web Service Assets corresponding to the entered query displays.

  5. Select the desired service asset from the list and click the Finish button. SOAtest creates a test suite with the selected policies and tests whether these policies are enforced against the service assets.

After running the test suite with the selected CentraSite Active SOA policies, you have instant access to quality data associated with the assets in CentraSite Active SOA.

For details on how to report results to CentraSite Active SOA, see Using Software AG CentraSite Active SOA with SOAtest.