This topic explains how to migrate your existing SOAtest or WebKing automated nightly process from the legacy command line interface (cli) to SOAtest 9.x’s soatestcli. Sections include:
The following table shows the differences in command line invocation between previous versions of SOAtest or WebKing and the current version of SOAtest.
OS | Previous WebKing option | Previous SOAtest option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Windows | wk.exe -cmd [options] | st.exe -cmd [options] | soatestcli.exe [options] |
Linux | webking -cmd [options] | soatest -cmd [options] | soatestcli [options] |
SOAtest 5.5 and earlier: If your SOAtest command line invocation to run a single test suite and write a report in HTML format to a file was
st.exe -cmd -runtest <test suite name.tst> -reportHTML -detailed <report file name>
your SOAtest command line invocation might be
soatestcli.exe -config <configuration name> -resource <path to test suite name.tst relative to the workspace> -report <report file>
WebKing: If your WebKing command line invocation to run a single test suite and write a report in HTML format to a file was
wk.exe -cmd -runtest <test suite name.tst> -reportHTML -detailed <report file name>
your SOAtest command line invocation might be
soatestcli.exe -config <configuration name> -resource <path to test suite name.tst relative to the workspace> -report <report file>
SOAtest 5.5 and earlier: If your SOAtest command line invocation to run all test suites within a directory was
st.exe -cmd -runtest -all <directory path>
your SOAtest command line invocation might be
soatestcli.exe -config <configuration name> -resource <directory path relative to the workspace> -report <report file>
WebKing: If your WebKing command line invocation to run all test suites within a directory was
wk.exe -cmd -runtest -all <directory path>
your SOAtest command line invocation might be
soatestcli.exe -config <configuration name> -resource <directory path relative to the workspace> -report <report file>
The following tables show the differences in command line options between previous versions of SOAtest or WebKing and SOAtest 9.x.
Note that the following options cannot be used together.
Action | Previous SOAtest/WebKing option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Run tests | -runTest | no flag is needed |
Run static analysis on wsdl | -runwsdltest | Deprecated - but replaced with equivalent WSDL static analysis options. See the note below for details. |
Execute script | -run | Deprecated - please contact Technical Support for assistance migrating scripts to 9.x. |
There are three ways to statically analyze WSDLs in SOAtest 9.x:
Action | Previous SOAtest/WebKing option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Run all tests recursively starting at the specified directory. | -all <directory> | To run all tests in the workspace: no flag is needed To run all tests in a particular project: -resource <directory path relative to the workspace> |
Ignore a test | -ignore <file name> | To ignore/include all tests in a sub-folder: -exclude <sub-folder> / -include <sub-folder>. The -include flag allows to specify a subset of the resources indicated by the -resource flag. (DO NOT start the resources after the -include/-exclude flags with a '/ '.) To ignore/include a test from the resources specified in the -resource flag : -exclude <file name> / -include <file name> (DO NOT start the resources after the -include/-exclude flags with a '/'.) |
Run a specific test file | <file name> | -resource <path to test suite name.tst relative to the workspace> |
Search and replace router | -router [matchWhole] | -router matchWhole <searchURI:URI> <replaceURI:URI> This feature is now deprecated. Please use Environments instead. |
Specify test name patterns | -testName [-match] <pattern> [-dataSourceRow <row>] [-dataSourceName <name>] | -testName [match:] <test name> -dataSourceRow <row> -dataSourceName <name> |
Specify environment options | -environment <environment_name> | -environment <environment_name> |
Run tests with a single data source row | [-dataSourceRow <row>] [-dataSourceName <name>] | -dataSourceRow <row> -dataSourceName <name> |
Report test results to HP (Mercury) TestDirector | -testDirector <test file> <report file> | -testDirector <testFile:file> <reportFile:file> |
Report test results to Rational TestManager | -testManager [-v] | -testManagerVerbose |
Specify browser used for web scenario playback. | -browserType | See Configuring Browser Playback Options. |
Action | Previous SOAtest/WebKing option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Execute the specified tool | <toolname> | Run a Test Configuration that executes a .tst file that includes the specified tool. Or, run a Test Configuration that applies the specified type of tool |
Action | Previous SOAtest/WebKing option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Generate reports | -genreport or <report format flag> <report file> (see "Report formats") | -report <report file> |
Show traffic for successful tests | -reportAllTraffic | Deprecated |
Report formats | -reportHTML, -reportXML, and -reportPDF | Specified in the local properties file using the following option: report.format=html|pdf|custom |
Detailed versus summary reports | -detailed and -summary | Specified in the local properties file using the following option: report.developer_errors=true|false |
Mailing reports | -mail -attach to:[email protected] | Specified in the local properties file using the following options: report.mail.enabled=true|false: See Testing from the Command Line Interface - soatestcli for details |
Publish reports to DTP | N/A | -publish Prior to SOAtest 9.10.2, this option published reports to Team Server (see Team Server Options). This feature also requires DTP 5.3.x or later. |
Specify configuration to be used for report generation | -config:<configuration name> | Specified in the local properties file using the available reporting options. |
Action | Previous SOAtest/WebKing option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Enable communication with Project Center | -logger | Specified in the local properties file using the following option: concerto.reporting=true|false |
Specify the name of the machine that is running Project Center |<host>. | Specified in the local properties file using the following option: concerto.server=[server] |
Specify the port to communicate with Project Center | -J-Dlogger.port=<port>. | Specified in the local properties file using the following option: grs.port=[port] |
Enable communication and send all traffic to Project Center | -traffic | Deprecated |
Specify custom Report attributes | -grs <attribute name>=<attribute value> | Specified in the local properties file using the following option: concerto.user_defined_attributes=[ attributes]; Use the format key1:value1; key2:value2 |
Action | Previous SOAtest/WebKing option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Send reports to Team Server | N/A | -publishteamserver Note that -publishteamserver uses the Team Server configuration in the GUI by default. Alternatively, you can specify these settings in the local properties file. See Project Center Options for information on publishing reports to Team Server. |
Action | Previous SOAtest/WebKing option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Specify local license | -password [expiration date] [password] | Specified in the local properties file using the following options: <tool name>.license.local.expiration=[expiration] and <tool name>.license.local.password=[password] |
Specify license server: | -licenseserver [host]:[port] | Specified in the local properties file using the following options: <tool name> and <tool name> |
Action | Previous SOAtest/WebKing option | SOAtest 9.x option |
Show help | -dump | -help |
Show version | N/A | -version |
Installer options | -initjython, -installcertificate, -uninstallcertificate | -initjython, -installcertificate, -uninstallcertificate |
Specify classpath entries | -extraClasspath | Specified in the local properties file using the following option: |
For more details on SOAtest 9.x’s command line interface, see Testing from the Command Line Interface - soatestcli.