This topic helps you troubleshoot problems you might experience with C++test.
You cancustomize the amount of allocated memory with the CPPTEST_ENGINE_EXTRA_ARGS option by specifying the value of the -Xmx
setting. This may be particularly useful for when you perform static analysis or report results to DTP. See Configuring Advanced Options for details.
C++test analyzes C/C++ source files directly and header files indirectly. Based on the current selection, C++test will analyze all C/C++ source files and report violations for all source and header files from the selection (only for header files included by the source files).
For example:
When generating a report, specify a report configuration file that contains the following entry:
Choose Parasoft> Preferences, select Console, then select the desired verbosity level (High, Normal, Low).
High Verbosity | Normal Verbosity | Low Verbosity | |
Basic info about the current step’s name and status (done, failed, up-to-date) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Errors | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Warnings | Yes | No | No |
Command Lines | Yes | Yes | No |
Violations printed out during static analysis and unit testing execution | Yes, full-format | Yes, short-format | No |
See Migrating test assets from C++test 6.x.
C++test cannot generate test cases when project caching is enabled in Visual Studio 2017. To ensure that test cases can be generated, disable project caching:
To ensure that all Parasoft options are working in the Solution Explorer context menu, the following Visual Studio Workloads must be installed with your Visual Studio 2017:
Installing or updating extensions or other Visual Studio components may corrupt Visual Studio's Component Model Cache, which can prevent C++test from launching. To clear the Component Model Cache, try to run cpptestcli
with the -clearcmc
Suppressions associated with rules whose messages changed between releases may not be available on DTP and the rules must be re-suppressed.
You can restore legacy messages for BD category rules in version 10.4.1 and later by configuring the following advanced option (see Configuring Advanced Options):
CPPTEST_ENGINE_EXTRA_ARGS="-property flowanalysis.legacy.messages.for.<rule_ID>=true"
For example:
CPPTEST_ENGINE_EXTRA_ARGS="-property flowanalysis.legacy.messages.for.BD.PB.ARRAY=true -property flowanalysis.legacy.messages.for.BD.PB.ZERO=true" |
To successfully restore the legacy messages, ensure that you remove the .cpptest folder that contains the local C/C++test cache data from following location: <workspace_location>/.cpptest/.dtpengine/.cpptes
See Contacting Parasoft Technical Support.