If you are connected to DTP, you can edit Test Configurations stored in DTP.

  1. Open the Configurations settings panel and navigate to a Test Configuration in the DTP directory.
  2. Right-click the configuration and choose Edit. The configuration page opens in your browser:

  3. Click on a test configuration in the sidebar menu to open its settings.

    General tab: You can rename the test configuration, add tags, and assign additional metadata.
    Scope tab:  You can set filters to target specific time frames, file paths, types of content, authors, file sizes, and code blocks. 
    Static Analysis tab: You can enable or disable static and flow analysis, as well as set parameters, such as depth of analysis, verbosity when reporting violations, and framework settings.
    Static Analysis - Rules tab: Enable or disable rules for the test configuration.
    Metrics tab: Enable or disable metrics for the test configuration.
    Unit Tests tab: Enable or disable unit test and coverage results for the test configuration.

    For detailed information about using the DTP test configuration interface, see the "Managing Test Configurations" chapter of the DTP User Guide.