This topic describes the reports produced after Load Test performs a load test and explains how to access, customize, save, and reopen these reports. In this section:

Preselecting Detailed Report Options

If you want Load Test to create a detailed report, you must configure this before load test execution. By default, Load Test does not gather the information for this report (in order to streamline the testing process).

Preselecting the Detailed Report option prompts Load Test to create detailed scenario reports in addition to its regular load testing reports. Detailed scenario reports plot each "hit" that results from a scenario run. This is the most detailed report that Load Test produces for virtual user tests. Because this report plots every hit, you can see where most hits occur, as well as how many hits fall outside of the normal distribution. 

To preselect Detailed Report options that will apply to all scenarios in a project:

  1. Select the Scenarios node in the Load Tests tab. The Report Settings displays in the right GUI panel.

    If the Load Tests tab is not active, right-click anywhere in the Projects tab and select Create Load Tests from the shortcut menu.
  2. In the Report Settings panel, select the Record graph data and error details checkbox. A detailed scenario report will be created after the completion of a load test. For more information on detailed reports, see Detailed Reports.
    After selecting the Record graph data and error details checkbox, the following options are available:

Viewing a Report

Load test results are available in the right GUI panel after a load test completes. To open this window at a later time: 

Load test results display in the right GUI panel with the following menu options:

Test Tree Selection Panel Navigation and Options

From the Test Tree selection panel, you can select All Tests, All Test Suites, All Test Requests (if there are requests in the report) All, or None test tree nodes by choosing the appropriate item in the dropdown menu of the Select button below the Tests tree selection panel:

The same dropdown menu is available for each tree node in the Test tree selection panel:

The expandable Options panel shows additional controls for the Test tree selection panel. The Single Selection on Path option (selected by default) ensures that no more than one tree node is selected on each tree path. This prevents undesirable report accumulation of parent and child node data in the views controlled by the Test tree selection panel. 

The Propagate Selection option (unselected by default) allows you to apply the selection to an entire sub-tree. For example if you select/unselect a tree node that has child nodes, all the child nodes will be selected/unselected as well. 

Understanding Available Reports

This section describes the following report types:

Test Information

Test Information report lists basic test parameters and results in text format. A Quality of Service Report summary will also be displayed for the metrics that have been configured.


The Statistics report lists detailed statistics about the load test, such as run times and failure count.

The report displays the statistics of the individual tests as well as the test suites to which they belong (if such data is available). Both test and test suite reports are generated during the load test after the completion of each individual test or test suite. These individual reports are later used to calculate aggregate values that are presented in the Statistics view.

The Statistics report can be viewed in a Hierarchical or a Flat layout. 

This is the Hierarchical layout:

This is the Flat layout:

Output Types

When viewing the Statistics report, an Output Types menu is available. The Output Types menu determines what type of output report is displayed. Two types of reports are available from this menu, each of which displays different columns of information. The differences between report types are:

If some of the machines were configured to run in the High Throughput Mode the available report types will be:

Customizing Available Statistics Report Columns

You can remove the selected columns that display in the panel for Generic and Network Client Report and/or add additional columns for each report type.

To customize the available report columns:

  1. Right-click the table area of the Statistics Report.
  2. Choose Select Columns from the shortcut menu.
  3. Use the controls in the Columns Configuration dialog box to specify which columns you want shown.
  4. (Optional) If you want Load Test to apply this same configuration to all subsequent load test reports for the current project, click Save Configuration before closing this dialog box.

Viewing Statistics Reports Test Failures

To access details about a specific test failure, double-click the related report row. You can determine whether a given test failed by locating the row that represents that test, then checking the number in that row’s Failure Count column. Load Test will show the details of the last error of the test. You can view all errors of  a specific test in the Detailed Report section, which is described in Viewing Detailed Report Table Content.

Detailed Reports

Detailed reports save all samples of data collected during load testing, and details of all errors that occur. This is the most detailed report that Load Test produces for load tests. Because this report can plot every hit, you can see where most hits occur, as well as how many hits fall outside of the normal distribution. Results for all server machines are displayed in the same graph; the results from different servers are color coded.

The Detailed Report contains the following tabs:

In addition, the results in each tab of a Detailed Report can be filtered through the drop-down menus located at the top of the right GUI panel. Load test details that display are filterable by Machines, Profiles, and Tests.

Note that the Tests tree filter allows you to have graphs include test suites, tests, and—and for browser tests – browser request reports. When evaluating the load that is applied to the system under test, be aware of this and select the appropriate subset of reports that applies to your testing scenarios. For example if you run a load test based on SOAtest SOAP Clients, you may want to select only Test nodes (see screenshot below) to view the graph of SOAP Client requests to the system under test. You would select Test Suite nodes only if you wanted to see the graph of transactions that include multiple tests.

Viewing Detailed Report Graph Content

The following options display in the Detailed Report Graph tab legend:

Customizing Detailed Report Graph Content

There are a variety of ways to customize the report content of the Detailed Reports Graph tab. To filter the graphical data displayed:

To customize the report parameters in the Graph tab:

To change the report’s Y axis from the default linear scale to a logarithmic scale (or vice versa):

To fill in a graph area with its designated color, check the Fill graph areas check box.

To display the individual hits that occurred during the load test as individual points:

To reduce the number of graph points, in cases when there large reports for long running load tests (12 hours or more), click the arrow button to expand the Reduce Graph Points box. The following options are available:

To zoom in on a specific area of the graph:

  1. Click and drag to place a gray box around the area you want to focus on.
  2. Right-click the newly-created box, then choose Zoom to selection from the shortcut menu.

To zoom in and out on the graph:

To shift the graph:

To return to the original graph size and/or position:

To export and save individual hits in CSV format:

  1. Filter the individual hits that display by making the appropriate selections from the Machines, Profiles, and Tests menus.
  2. Select the Show Individual Hits check box. All of the individual hits that occurred during the load test displays in the graph tab.

    Individual hits can only be displayed in a Detailed Report if the Record individual hits option was preselected from the Report Settings tab of the Scenarios configuration panel. For more information, see Preselecting Detailed Report Options.
  3. Complete one of the following:
  4. In the dialog box that opens, choose the location to where you would like to save the CSV file.

To export and save graph points in CSV format:

  1. Filter the graph points that display by making the appropriate selections from the Machines, Profiles, and Tests menus.
  2. Complete one of the following:
  3. In the dialog box that opens, choose the location to where you would like to save the CSV file.

    The Export Graph Points option is only available if the Record individual hits option was preselected from the Report Settings tab of the Scenarios configuration panel. For more information, see Preselecting Detailed Report Options.

To customize Detailed Report graph colors:

  1. Right-click the desired bar in the Graph tab legend and select Change Color from the shortcut menu. Within the Change Color shortcut menu are two sub-menus:The Select color dialog box opens.

  2. Manipulate the color scheme as needed in the dialog box and click OK.

Viewing Detailed Report Histograms

Histograms graph the distribution of the values obtained for the selected variable (execution time, request size, response size).

To control the histogram’s focus content:

Viewing Detailed Report Table Content

Before you can view any errors or individual hits in the Table tab of a Detailed Report, you must first select a time interval from the Graph tab by completing one of the following:

To view errors in the Table tab, complete the following in the Graph tab:

  1. Select the appropriate parameter values from the X axis box, and the appropriate check boxes from the bottom of the graph to determine the graph report.
  2. Move the mouse while pressing the left mouse button and the Alt keyboard button to place a gray box over the desired time interval on the graph. To unselect the gray box, press the Alt keyboard button and mouse click the gray box.

  3. Right-click the gray box and select Show Recorded Details from the shortcut menu. The Table tab opens and displays all of the recorded details collected during the selected time interval.
    If you do not select a time interval, the Table tab opens and displays all available details after you right-click the graph and select Show Recorded Details from the shortcut menu.

    The Details column shows either the error string of the test (if it failed) or the [Traffic] tag (if the test succeeded). Double-click the row to see either error details or the traffic of the test.
    The Table tab displays the first 300 detail results by default. If more than 300 details are present (if you selected to record all details or selected to record more than the first 300 details) a drop-down menu will appear at the top of the Table tab, along with navigation buttons that allow you to browse through groupings of details.
  4. To access details about a specific test results, double-click the related report row.

To view individual hits in the Table tab, complete the following in the Graph tab:

  1. Select the Show Individual Hits check box.
  2. Select the appropriate parameter values from the Y axis box.
  3. Move the mouse while pressing the left mouse button and the Alt keyboard button to place a gray box over the desired time interval on the graph. To unselect the gray box, press the Alt keyboard button and mouse click the gray box.

  4. Right-click the gray box and select Show Individual Hits from the shortcut menu. The Table tab opens and displays all of the individual hits that occurred during the selected time interval.

    Rather than selecting a time interval, you can select a few points in the Graph tab by clicking and dragging your mouse to place a gray box around the points you want to focus on, and then right-clicking and selecting Show Individual Hits from the shortcut menu.
    You can also double-click a single point in the Graph tab and the Table tab will open and display information for the single hit you selected.
    If details information has been recorded for the hit, the Details column of the Individual Hits table will contain the error details of the test (if the test failed) or the [Traffic] tag (if the test succeeded). Double-click the row to see either error details or the traffic of the test for which the details were recorded.

Viewing Hits of a Virtual User

You can see all hits of a Virtual User by right-clicking a row in the Individual Hits table, then choosing Show All Hits of This VU from the shortcut menu.

This opens a table with all hits of the selected Virtual User. 

To return to the Individual Hits table, click the Show Previous Table << button.

Customizing Available Report Columns

To customize the visible columns in the Table tab view:

  1. Right-click the table area of the Table tab.
  2. Choose Select Columns from the shortcut menu.
  3. Use the controls in the Columns Configuration dialog box to specify which columns you want shown.
  4. (Optional) If you want Load Test to apply this same configuration to all subsequent load test reports for the current project, click Save Configuration before closing this dialog box.

Quality of Service Reports

The Quality of Service (QoS) Report shows the metrics that you have configured in the Load Test, and displays a Summary tab and a Details tab.

The Summary tab displays a Metric, Description, and Status column. Each row in the QoS report corresponds to one QoS metric.

The Details tab displays the results of the available metrics that have been configured for the selected scenario. The Details tab also displays the name, parameters, and notes for the metric selected from the Metric List.

You can further customize the metrics in the reports by configuring the parameters of any metric from the Metric List and clicking the Apply to Report button. You can also select multiple metrics from the Metric List (CTRL-click) and then click the Apply to Report button. This will update the QoS Results that are seen in the QoS Report and Test Information views, but will not reflect in the QoS node of the Scenario View.

For more information on using and configuring Quality of Service Metrics, see Customizing QoS Metrics for Scenarios.

Load Test Configuration Report

You can also right-click anywhere in the Load Tests tab and select View Structure Report> HTML/XML. A Load Test Configuration Report displays in your browser. This report contains the following information:

Special Reporting for Web (Browser) Tests

During Load Test execution, a web functional test with the Browser Testing tool can send multiple requests (the requests that you see in the test's editor in SOAtest’s Load Test perspective). You can see the reports for these requests as child nodes of the Browser Test report in the Statistics, Detailed Report and QoS Report sections of the Load Test report (see screenshots below).

For each Browser Test and the associated requests, Load Test will record network-related statistics. These statistics will be available in the Network Client Reports table within the Statistics section of the Load Test report (see Statistics for details).

The Statistics section of the Load Test report shows browser requests as follows:

The Detailed Report section of the Load Test report shows browser requests as follows:

The QoS section of the Load Test report shows browser requests as follows:

Saving and Reopening Reports

You can save individual load testing reports in binary, HTML, XML, GIF, and CSV formats. Not all reports can be saved in all formats. Only binary-format reports can be reopened in Load Test.

You can also save a comprehensive load testing report that includes test information, histograms, and tables. This option is also available from the command line.

The following table describes which formats apply to which reports and how to save reports in the available formats.

Report TypeApplies ToContainsInstructions
Binary (.rpt)All report viewsAll reports
  1. Right-click the active report area.
  2. Choose Save As Binary from the shortcut menu.
HTML (.htm, .html) All report viewsAll reports
  1. Right-click the active report area.
  2. Choose View Report.
  3. Use the browser controls to save the report.
    For more information on HTML Report options, see Configuring HTML Report Options
XML (.xml)Statistics report viewSelected Report
  1. Right-click the active report area in the Statistics report view.
  2. Choose Export XML from the shortcut menu.
Image/GIF (.gif)Detailed Report Graphs and HistogramsSelected Report
  1. Right-click the active report area in either Detailed Report Graph tab or Histogram tab.
  2. Choose Save Graph from the shortcut menu
Comma Separated Values (.csv)Statistics report view or Detailed Report ErrorsSelected Report
  1. Right-click the table area in the Statistics report view.
  2. Choose Export Table from the shortcut menu.

To open a binary-format report, you choose File> Open, then use the file chooser to specify which .rpt file you want to open. 

Saving Part of a Report

To save a part of a load test report:

  1. Open the Detailed Report view of the load test report.
  2. Select an interval that you would like to save. To select an interval, move the mouse while pressing the left mouse button and the Alt keyboard button to place a gray selection box over the desired time interval on the graph.
  3. Release the Alt button, right-click in the graph and choose the Save As> Binary> Selected Interval command.

  4. Enter the report file name in the file selection dialog.

The statistical data and the QoS metrics of the interval report will be recalculated based on the selection.

When saving a part of a load test report, keep in mind that the report data is collected and saved in approximately 3 second intervals. When a part of a report is saved, all the intervals that have been included into the selection are saved. An interval is selected when a graph node which represents that interval is selected. 

For example, the 8.5 second to 14 second selection shown in the image below includes graph nodes at 9.1 and 12.1 seconds, which represent the following data collection intervals: 

  • [6.1-9.1] seconds
  • [9.1-12.1] seconds.

These two intervals will be saved in the report. The saved report interval will contain two graph points. Individual hits that belong to both intervals will be saved in the report.

Configuring HTML Report Options

In addition to saving and viewing load test reports in HTML format, you can also customize the graph views that are included in these HTML reports according to various parameters you choose.

To configure the graph views that display in an HTML report:

  1. Open the HTML Report Options dialog box by completing one of the following:
  2. Configure the graph entries by customizing the following options for each entry:
  3. Click the View Report button. The HTML Report opens in your Web browser and displays the customized graph views.

Comparing Load Test Reports

After saving load tests as Binary reports, you can then load these reports into Load Test and compare and contrast various detailed report parameters. For example, after running and saving a load test, you may notice that the execution time for a particular operation is slow. After making the necessary changes to improve upon the execution time, you can run a load test for the new and improved service/application, and then compare its detailed report to that of the previously saved report, to see if the changes to the operation cause any new errors.

Within the Load Tests tab is a Reports node in which you can add report composites. Report composites contain references to the Load Test reports that were saved. Detailed report parameters from these different reports can be viewed in an overlaid graph, allowing you to compare any differences that may have occurred.

Loading Composite Reports

Before being able to view and compare multiple reports, you must first load the reports into Load Test. To load composite reports, complete the following:

  1. Right-click the Reports node in the Load Tests tab and select New Composite from the shortcut menu. A Report Composite node displays beneath the Reports node and the Report Composite controls display in the right GUI panel.
  2. Click the New button at the bottom of the right GUI panel and browse to and open a saved report file (.rpt) in the dialog box that displays. A node corresponding to the file you opened displays in italics beneath the Report Composite node in the Load Tests tree.

    Report composite entries are displayed in italics to emphasize that they are references to reports. By default, when a project is reopened, or when a new reference is created, the report composite is not loaded and displays in gray. After a report composite is loaded, it displays in black.
  3. Repeat Step 2 until you have added all of the report composites you would like to load.
  4. Right-click the Report Composite node and select Load All from the shortcut menu. Load Test will load each of the report composites you added.

    You may also load individual report composites by selecting the appropriate node from beneath the Report Composite node and clicking the Load button in the right GUI panel.
  5. (Optional) You may access the Test Information, Statistics, and Detailed Report views of each individual report composite by selecting the desired report composite node in the Load Test tree and then selecting from the Views drop-down menu in the right GUI panel.

Working with and Comparing Composite Reports

After loading multiple load test reports, you can select the Report Composite node beneath the Reports node of the Load Tests tree to configure and compare the composite reports. The following options are available  in the Report Composite controls

Viewing the Active Load Test Report 

The Active Report gives you access to all the data collected for a running load test scenario—during test execution, without having to stop the load test.

The Active Report contains the load test data collected up to the moment when the Active Report was opened; it includes all the data of a standard Load Test report, including the statistical data, the individual hit data, the traffic, and the error details (if those were configured to be recorded). The Active Report can be refreshed at any time while the load test scenario is running.

The Active Report should be used only when you need to see load test details that are not available in the Load Test Progress view—for example, if you want to see error details while the load test is running.

To access the Active Report:

  1. Launch a new instance of the Load Test application.
  2. Choose File> Active Report.

You can manipulate and save the Active Report in the same way as the standard Load Test report.

To refresh the Active Report with the most up to date data:

CPU Utilization Notes

Viewing the Active Report of a Load Test Running in a Command Line Mode

The Active Report can be used to periodically assess the progress of load tests that are running in command line mode. This is especially valuable for getting feedback on load tests that are configured to run for extended periods of time. 

When tests are running in command line mode, you can access the Active Report in the same way as you would for tests running in the GUI mode.

Recovering Load Test Reports

You can typically use the Load Test report recovery feature to restore the load test data after a system crash or an application shutdown. To view recoverable reports:

  1. Choose File> Recover Report. The Recover Report dialog will show the start date/time(s) of recoverable load test reports. Recovery data is deleted 5 days after creation. Report data that is more than 5 days old cannot be recovered.

  2. Select a report and click OK.

After a load test report is restored, you can save it in the format of your choice. 

Report Terms Defined

The following are definitions for terms used in load test reports:

The following diagrams illustrate how these metrics correspond to actual test actions.

The first two diagrams show the request send time:

Now the message is in transit to and from the server, including application "think time":

The next two diagrams show the response receive time:

The final diagram shows how the execution time is the total of the above operations:

Sending QoS Results to DTP

You can configure Load Test to send QoS metric results to Parasoft Development Testing Platform so that it can be associated with tasks, requirements, and other artifacts. The success/failure of the metrics will indicate the success/failure of the testing task. If multiple metrics are associated with a single testing task, a failure of any one metric will cause the associated testing task to fail.

To configure this reporting, you need to:

Configuring Reporting to DTP

  1. Choose File> Customize Preferences to open the Preferences panel.
  2. Open the Report Center / Project Center page.
  3. Enable Send results to Report Center and Project Center.
  4. In the Host name field, enter your team’s Parasoft Development Testing Platform (DTP) server host (either a name or an IP address).
  5. In the Data Collector port field, enter your team’s DTP Data Collector port (default is 32323)
  6. In the General project field, enter the name of the DTP project that this testing task is associated with.
  7. Click Test Connection to verify the connection.
  8. (Optional) Add custom  attributes as directed by your team leader.

Correlating Load Test Scenarios to DTP Artifacts

To configure correlations:

  1. Select the load test tree’s Scenarios node.

  2. In the configuration panel on the right, open the Requirements Tracking tab.
  3. Click the Add button. A new entry will be added to the table.
  4. In the Type box, select a requirement type. DTP will use this information to associate the test suite’s test cases to the specified element type. Custom tags can be added as described in Indicating Code and Test Correlations. Default tags are:
  5. Enter an ID and a URL for the requirement.

  6. Save the load test project.

Troubleshooting: Connection Reset Errors

When reviewing Parasoft Load Test results, you may occasionally see "Connection Reset" errors. 

Basically, a "Connection Reset" error is typically generated by overloaded servers, in which case it is caused by the OS TCP stack(s) and propagated up to the application layer as a Java net exception.

In more detail, "Connection Reset" is not an error message unique to Parasoft Load Test; it is generated by Java and it corresponds to specific low-level events. Connection Reset will be reported by Java (in this case the JVM running Load Test) when it uses an RST (short for reset) message to abort the connection. This will happen if the JVM encounters any prematurely closed connections on the server side. A prematurely closed connection indicates that while Load Test is receiving the response, the server is closing the connection—thus causing the Load Test JVM to forcibly issue a "reset" that aborts the connection. This is not a feature of Load Test; rather, it is a behavior of the JVM in order to comply with the TCP protocol specifications.

It is obvious that the Connection Reset is generated by Load Test because a reset indicates that the connection has already been closed on one side (in this case the server side). If a server application were issuing an RST, Load Test would not receive any information of this since the connection would have already been terminated.

The Connection Reset can be difficult to understand. It is easiest to think of it as a symptom of a problem that has already happened. In other words, the reset connection is not the problem—the problem is the prematurely closed connection that occurred on the server which caused the Connection Reset in Load Test.

From the JavaDoc:

"Under abnormal conditions the underlying connection may be broken by the remote host or the network software (for example a connection reset in the case of TCP connections)."

To learn more about Connection Reset errors, see .