In addition to industry standard C/C++ code coverage metrics, C++test can collect code coverage at the assembly level (also called object code coverage), which provides visibility into which sections of assembly code were covered during test execution, as well as details on branching points execution. For details on supported assembly metrics, see "Parasoft cpptestasm User Guide". Assembly code coverage is supported for the following compilers:
C++test is preconfigured to collect assembly level coverage data from Green Hills software PPC simulator. If you wish to configure collecting object coverage data from on-target tests execution please contact Parasoft Support for more information.
Unlike C/C++ code coverage, assembly coverage results are not integrated with C++test views, reports are available as external html, xml or text documents. See Generating the Assembly Coverage Report for more details.
Assuming that your project is already prepared for unit tests or application memory monitoring, there are no additional configuration activities required to prepare it for assembly coverage monitoring. Note, however, that the project must be setup for a supported compiler.
C++test ships with a built-in test configuration for executing unit test cases with assembly coverage monitoring. To view the test configuration settings:
Coverage is stored in tested program memory buffers, and when the scheduled tests are executed and test executable exits, collected coverage information is saved via the defined communication channel (typically, directly to the file). Buffers with coverage information may become corrupted or may not be saved if, for example, the test executable crashes or the memory becomes corrupted. We recommend reviewing all unit test cases and exclude the ones that may cause application crash from the testing session.
The following Test Execution Flow properties are available in the test configuration for assembly coverage reports configuration (also see Generating the Assembly Coverage Report):
Property Name | Values |
Assembly coverage report format | Available formats: html, xml, txt, flattxt, csv html is a default value |
Assembly coverage report encoding | Encoding used for html reports. default is UTF-8 |
Assembly coverage report location | Root directory for assembly code coverage reports. Reports are generated in the designated location. Separate subdirectories are created for tested contexts. Default location is: |
Contact Parasoft Support for more information if you want to collect object coverage data from on-target tests execution.
You can duplicate the built-in Run GHS Tests with Assembly Coverage Monitoring test configuration (right-click the on the test configuration and choose Duplicate) as a base for project specific customizations.
In addition to enabling assembly level code instrumentation you also need to modify the test execution flow to include a dedicated step for assembly coverage report generation. This step is already configured in the built-in Run GHS Tests with Assembly Coverage Monitoring test configuration.
Locate the following test execution flow steps in the editor and click after the closing bracket to create an insertion point:
<ReadTestLogStep testLogFile="${cpptest:testware_loc}/ cpptest_results.tlog" timeoutInfoProperty="test_exec_timeouted" /> <ReadDynamicCoverageStep covLogFile="${cpptest:testware_loc}/ cpptest_results.clog" /> |
Insert the following flow step:
<GenASMToolReportFlowStep asmToolCmdPattern="$(asmReportTool) --generate-report=on --workspace=$(asmWorkspace) --psrc=$(additionalOptions) --report-format=$(asmReportFor-mat) --results-directory=$(asmReportdir) --project-name=$(asmProjectName) --input-file=$(asmInputFile) --report-encoding=$(asmReportEncoding) --psrc=$(advancedOp- tionsFile)" asmReportFormat="${cpptestproperty:repor_format}" asmReportEncoding="${cpptestprop-erty:repor_encoding}" asmReportdir="${cpptestproperty:repor_loc}" asmInputFile="${cpptest:testware_loc}/${cpptestprop-erty:oc_result_file_name}" /> |
The asmToolCmdPattern
attribute defines the command line for too that generates the report. This attribute uses the variables to facilitate report generation configuration. To make the variables editable via the test execution flow properties you can add the following at the begging of your test execution flow:
<SetProperty key="repor_format" value="html||xml||flat- txt||txt||csv" uiEditable="true" displayName="Assembly coverage report format" /> <SetProperty key="repor_encoding" value="UTF-8" uiEdit- able="true" displayName="Assembly coverage report encoding" /> <SetProperty key="report_loc" value="${workspace_loc}/.cpptest/${project_name}/cpptestasm/ report-data" uiEditable="true" displayName="Assembly coverage report location" /> |
Assembly language coverage reports are generated after tests execution and are available for review in html, text or csv format. There is no assembly coverage data visible in C++test’s coverage view, source code editor, or any other component of the C++test Eclipse or Visual Studio plug-in. If you are generating assembly coverage from a user-defined test configuration, make sure to configure the test execution flow described above.
The assembly coverage report will be available in the dedicated section at the bottom of main report. See the table under Collecting Assembly Code Coverage, for Test Execution Flow properties that are available for assembly coverage reports configuration