SOAtest associates SOA artifacts with the Software AG CentraSite Active SOA registry. This integration enables teams to automatically execute a quality workflow and correlate quality data in context of an SOA Governance initiative.
SOAtest can automatically generate tests at the time the services are published to the Software AG CentraSite Active SOA registry—including functional test cases and WSDL verification tests to ensure WSDLs are compliant to best practices and organizational policies. Policy compliance and functional test results are then reported back to the registry and updated in real-time. This provides continuous visibility into a service's quality throughout its lifecycle.
SOAtest enables users to create tests that enforce policies applied to Web service assets that are declared in a CentraSite Active SOA repository. Users can select a Web service asset and choose the desired policies to enforce.
For details, see Creating Tests From Software AG CentraSite Active SOA.
After running the test suite with the selected CentraSite policies, you can have instant access to quality data associated with the assets in CentraSite.
To configure SOAtest to send results:
From the command line: Add the -CentraSite
cli option to your SOAtest command line invocation. For example:./soatestcli -data "C:\My Workspace location" -config "user://Example Configuration" -resource MyProject/mytest.tst -report "C:\directory to save HTML report" -CentraSite
With this configuration, SOAtest will automatically report the results to CentraSite after the test execution is finished. If you run an individual test or a test suite that is not the top-most root test suite, then the results will not be sent to the registry (because SOAtest assumes you are in the process of configuring the tests). SOAtest sends only full tst execution results in order to avoid sending partial or incomplete results.
To view the data that is reported from SOAtest to CentraSite: