The following table defines user-related terminology:


Specifies the user's privilege for the selected Development Testing Platform application. The permission format includes the applicable tool, name of the permission type, and permission value (tool:name:value).

For example, the following permission grants a user access to Report Center data for a project called ’Core’: grs:project:Core

Permission values can also be specified with a regular expression. This simplifies, for example, granting access to previous or future project versions: grs:project:Core \d\.\d

The permission in the example above grants access to projects ’Core 1.0’, ’Core 1.1’, and so on.

Permission applies to both Permission group and User.

Native PermissionsPermissions granted to a permission group.
Inherited PermissionsPermissions inherited from a parent permission group.
Permission Group

Set of permissions. Permission groups can have multiple native permissions. Additionally, each permission group can have multiple parent permission groups.

It is possible to enable/disable both Native and Inherited Permission in permission groups, which is useful when you build an extended hierarchy but only need specific permissions from inherited ones.


Development Testing Platform user. Each user can have multiple of permissions (Native Permissions) and can be a member of multiple permission groups.

The Inherited Permissions for a user are grouped and reflect the permission groups hierarchies. Any permission can be disabled/enabled based on specific needs. Permissions inherited by a user from different permission groups are separated but linked with the individual ones.

PerspectiveSet of Report Center reports and functionalities that are available to users