You can define a set of compliance categories to refine the data displayed in DTP widgets (see Widgets for details about widgets shipped with DTP). This helps ensure that your team is following your organization’s development policy.
DTP ships with an example set of custom compliance categories (i.e., ACME-Policy) that you can copy and modify to create your custom sets. The example set contains several compliance categories (e.g., "ACME Security", "ACME Performance", etc.) that contain specific compliance IDs. Each compliance category points to Parasoft coding standards compliance IDs.
The following instructions describe how to define a custom set of compliance categories based on the example shipped with DTP.
The following element defines the name of the compliance category set and is presented in the settings of the Compliance Widgets:
<Compliance name="ACME Company Coding Standards Policy">
The name value must be the same as the .xml file name in order for the widget to load data when the widget is first loaded into the dashboard. Otherwise, you would have to manually edit the widget to use the custom category.
Edit the name for each group of rules in the set. The names will be presented in the Compliance Widgets report data:
<ComplianceCategory groupId="Security" name="Security">
Values specified for each groupId
cannot have spaces or special characters that browsers don't support in URLs (see
Edit the rule pattern to define how violations are grouped when the data is passed to the widget:
<RulePattern pattern="SECURITY-.*"/>
Restart the DTP server.
Add a Compliance widget to your dashboard and choose the set of custom compliance categories from the Compliance drop-down menu. The widget will show the violations grouped by the custom compliance categories as defined above.