If publishing reports to DTP is enabled in DTP Engines, copies of the analyzed files are stored in DTP Server. The appropriate version of a file is displayed when you enter the Violations Explorer, Test Explorer or Coverage Explorer. DTP Engines can also send copies of source files to DTP Server without analyzing code. See "Publishing Sources to DTP Server" in the DTP Engines for C/C++, Java, or .NET documentation.
Delete previously published source code by removing the content in the [INSTALLATION_DIR]/data/_DEFAULT_/dc/sources directory.
When code analysis from DTP Engines is rerun (with publishing source code enabled), the file versions will be recreated.
Static analysis violations, unit tests or coverage data that were reported for previously sent versions of files that are not re-published will no longer be displayed in an explorer view. If one of the other source code publishing methods is used, though, DTP may fall-back to another version.