In this section:
The Test Explorer provides detailed information about unit and functional tests, such as test traces, history of runs, and coverage information. Click on a unit or functional test widget from the Report Center dashboard to access the Test Explorer (see Widgets). You can also access the test explorer from the Coverage Explorer (see Coverage Explorer). The test explorer is divided into four panels:
The Test Explorer opens using the settings of the unit or functional test widget you clicked as search parameters, but you can easily change the search to learn about the state of coverage in your application.
The search results panel shows tests based on the parameters entered in the search overlay.
You can perform the following actions:
The actions panel provides information about the tested file and its tests to help you understand defects in your software. The panel also provides an interface for assigning test metadata to help you resolve test failures. Click on a tab in the actions panel to view information or assign tests with metadata to place it into a remediation workflow.
Click on the Prioritization tab to access several actions to help you remediate unit and functional test failures.
You can perform the following actions:
Click Apply to save the test metadata.
Users must have permissions to set unit and functional test metadata (prioritize), as well as view sources. Permission can be granted for all tests or limited to tests owned by the user. The following table describes a project membership scenario and how permissions may be assigned (see Assigning Native Permissions, for additional information): |
Click on the Modification History tab to show when test metadata was updated.
If you want to filter for comments, you can enable the Only show comments option.
Click on the Test History tab to show when tests were ran and the status of each run. You can click on a column header to sort the contents of the table.
When viewing unit test data, the Traces tab shows stack traces for failed and incomplete tests. If you are viewing functional or manual tests, the tab shows error messages for test failures.
Click on an entry under an error message to show the test in the source code in the source panel; see Viewing Source Code.
The message associated with the selected failure displays in the tab. The specific test failure is highlighted in the source panel.
Click the Show Traffic button to view the data requested during the test and the application’s response.
The coverage panel shows a hierarchical view of the files associated with the tests. Each node in the hierarchy shows how much of each file or directory is covered in brackets. Coverage information is not currently available for functional tests.
Click the Details tab to view information about the test.
If DTP is integrated with your source control system, then you can view the tested source code in an explorer view. If integration with your source control system has not been configured, you can still view sources tested by DTP Engines by setting the report.dtp.publish.src
setting to full
or min
when configuring the engine. This instructs the engine to transfer client source code to DTP when generating the report. See the DTP Engines for Java, C/C++, or .NET user manuals for additional information.
Users must also have permissions to view source code. See the note above about permissions for additional information.
When viewing functional or manual tests, the source code panel shows a hierarchical view of the test suite data collected. No additional permissions are required to view functional test data. See Viewing Functional and Manual Test Sources for information on viewing functional test data.
Click on a file link in the Traces or Coverage tab to load the contents of a source file into the sources panel. This enables you to view test and coverage information in the context of the code. Displayed sources are marked with color coded flags for at-a-glance coverage information after clicking links in the Coverage tab of the actions panel. Lines with green flags are covered. Lines with red flags are uncovered.
Clicking on links in the Traces tab also loads sources into the sources panel. Lines of code where the fail occurred are flagged so you can easily find the test in the trace stack.
When you make a selection in the tests table, the file name and the component that opened the file appears in the code panel.
Click on a test in the search results panel to view functional tests performed with SOAtest 9.x or later in the Test Explorer. SOAtest 9.9.2 or later is required to view test authorship and parameterized tests. Data Collector parses the XML report file generated by SOAtest and displays the .tst file data, so the .tst file does not need to be published to DTP or stored in source control.
The selected test suite is highlighted in the panel. You can click on the disclosure triangles to navigate the test data. Each node shows how much of the test suite was executed successfully. Failed test suites are displayed in red.