Parasoft Development Testing Platform requires a relational database to store data for Report Center and Project Center. A DTP distribution is available that includes an embedded database server (Windows and Linux only), but you can also connect DTP to a MySQL or Oracle database server. The embedded database distribution automatically installs and configures the server so you can immediately begin using DTP after installation, but you can still connect to an external database server (see Switching to an External Database). This chapter covers MySQL installations. Contact your Oracle administration for details on installing and configuring Oracle database servers.
MySQL 5.5.x to 5.7. MySQL 5.6.25 or newer is highly recommended to ensure optimal performance.
Beginning with MySQL 5.6, the default binlog_format
, which may cause issues when integrating with external bug tracking systems (BTS), such as Bugzilla or JIRA. To ensure that the BPEL process starts and that the ’Update BTS’ function is available, set binlog_format
to ROW
A known issue in versions of MySQL prior to 5.6.25 may result in problems when databases hosting large amounts of data are queried (see This issue can cause DTP to wait indefinitely for a query result because no error will be thrown. If you are unable to upgrade to or install MySQL 5.6.25, you can edit the my.cnf or my.ini MySQL configuration file to avoid this (see to locate this file in your installation):
section: read_rnd_buffer_size=1048576
.If data continuously loads in an explorer view, increase the value of the read_rnd_buffer_size
DTP does not ship with the MySQL and Oracle JDBC drivers necessary to set up a database connection. Download the drivers and place them in the DTP_HOME/lib/thirdparty directory after completing the installation.
Refer to the MySQL documentation for instructions on how to install and configure MySQL:
Assign and remember a password for the root user. You can set the password from the command line:
mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password' |
Check your MySQL database for corruption on a regular basis to ensure data integrity using the following command (Windows):
mysqlcheck -u grs -pgrs GRS |
Many Linux distributions come with MySQL pre-installed. Contact your Linux administrator for details on your Linux system. If you need to install MySQL, consult the MySQL documentation for installation instructions specific to your Linux distribution:
Development Testing Platform uses two databases, GRS and DTP, to store data and retrieve data. You can create the database structures manually when you log into DTP for the first time. You also can run the database creation script located in the DTP_HOME/bin/ directory to quickly set up the GRS and DTP databases.
Run the script after the initial DTP installation but before the services are started. See Stopping DTP Services for instructions on how to stop services if they are already running.
The database creation script packaged in the Windows installer will only create new database schemas and schema objects. Administrative privileges is required to execute this script.
Option 4 - Database
configuration when the console opens.After the database creation scripts have run successfully, you can set the authentication settings for connecting to the database through the web UI.
You can connect the DTP with embedded database server distribution to another database by switching the database connection type in the database connection settings page.