This topic explains how to share projects and related test assets by checking them in and out of your existing source control system.
Sections include:
Key project artifacts are in ASCII. This makes it easy to maintain them via source control, and merge changes from multiple team members in a concurrent development environment.
To share projects and test assets using any source control system:
Other team members can access the project files by checking them out from source control.
Once one team member creates a project, that team member can create a Team Project Set File (.psf) which can then be shared by other members of the team. Doing so allows every team member to create their Eclipse Projects in the same uniform way. This is a necessary step for importing tasks from the automated nightly test process.
To export a Team Project Set File:
To create a Project from an imported Team Project Set File:
Check in .project, .cdtproject/.cproject [if present - depending on the CDT version], .parasoft [if present], and .settings/* [if present]. These files will be directly in the project directory location. They completely define the contents and settings of the project for C++test.
Do not check in temporary data/files (such as instrumented sources, compiled objects, linked test executables, and automatically-generated header files) with the project. By default, temporary files are in the.cpptest directory of the current workspace. - These files should not be stored in source control because C++test can automatically re-generate these as needed. Moreover, they might include non-shareable information (like absolute paths). - If this data is currently being stored within your project, change the C++test temporary files settings as explained in the C++test User’s Guide. |
All projects are registered in a temporary area known as a workspace. Sharing workspaces is not recommended. Each user must have at least one workspace of his or her own.