To measure and validate response time in real-time systems, use the following macros:

CppTest_TimeInit(CPPTEST_INTEGER seconds, CPPTEST_INTEGER nanoseconds);
Initializes the CppTest_Time structure with the given values.
Nanoseconds should be between -999999999 and 999999999
CppTest_Time CppTest_TimeCurrent();

Initializes the CppTest_Time structure with the current time.

Time is stored as number of seconds (and nanoseconds) since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970.

Accuracy depends on platform used.

CppTest_TimeDiff(CppTest_Time t1, CppTest_TimeĀ  t2);
Returns the difference between t1 and t2.
int CppTest_TimeCompare(CppTest_Time t1, CppTest_Time t2);

Compares two CppTest_Time structures.


  • < 0: If t1 is smaller/earlier than t2
  • == 0: If t1 and t2 are equal
  • > 0: If t1 is bigger/later than t2

Here is an example of how to use these macros to measure and report time:

   /* Collect start time */
   CppTest_Time start = CppTest_TimeCurrent();
   /* Tested function call */
   int _return  = ::foo();
   /* Compute time diff */
   CppTest_Time stop = CppTest_TimeCurrent();
   CppTest_Time diff = CppTest_TimeDiff(stop, start);
   /* Report time diff (assuming positive values) */
   CPPTEST_MESSAGE(cpptestFormat("Call time for foo(): %d.%09d", diff.seconds, diff.nanoseconds));

Here is an example of how to use these macros to check and compare time:

   /* Verify execution time */
   CppTest_Time limit5ms = CppTest_TimeInit(0, 5000000);    
   CPPTEST_ASSERT(CppTest_TimeCompare(diff, limit5ms) < 0)    