You can generate reports in various formats. In this section:

Generating Reports from the GUI

  1. After the test has completed, click the Generate Report button in the Test Progress panel’s toolbar.

  2. Complete the Report & Publish dialog that opens. You can configure the following options:

  3. Click OK. The report will then open. For details on the format and contents, see Understanding Reports.

Alternatively, you can generate the report using the options at the bottom of the Report & Publish section of the Test Progress view:

Generating the Test Execution Details Report

You can generate an additional Test Execution Details report linked to your regular report (see Understanding Reports for details). To generate this report, configure the following settings in the test configuration before executing it:

  1. Choose Parasoft> Test Configurations...  and select a test configuration.
  2. Open the Execution> Runtime tab and enable the following options: 
  3. (Optional) Enable the Generate detailed coverage report for option and choose a coverage metric.
  4. Apply changes and close the test configuration.
  5. Choose Parasoft> Preferences... > Reports.
  6. In the Report Format section, choose HTML (C/C++test’s Unit Testing details) from the drop-down menu.

Click Generate Report after the test completes (see Generating the Report). The link to the Test Execution Details report will be available in the Test Execution Details column included in the Additional Reports section at the bottom of main report (see Understanding Reports).

You can also generate the Test Execution Details report in XML format. This enables you to apply additional post-processing workflows to the test execution results. The XML file is available in the same location as the original Test Execution Details HTML file, for example:



In addition, XML Schema for Test Execution Details XML file is available:


Uploading Reports to DTP

Uploading reports to DTP allows you to review results on DTP, where they are aggregated, analyzed, and prioritized to help you optimize your testing efforts. See the DTP User Guide for details.

To upload the report to DTP:

  1. Ensure that C/C++test is connected to a DTP server (See Connecting to DTP).

  2. Go to Parasoft> Preferences... > DTP and enable the Enable reporting results to DTP option.

The results will be automatically uploaded to DTP when you perform testing in the GUI.

Publishing reports to DTP requires the "DTP Publish" or "Automaton" license feature to be enabled.

Generating Reports from the Command Line

See Testing from the Command Line Interface for details about executing tests from the command line interface and configuring email notifications.

Uploading Source Code to DTP

Uploading source code to DTP allows you to review the source code associated with findings. See the DTP User Guide for details.

To upload the source code to DTP:

  1. Ensure that C/C++test is connected to a source control repository (see Connecting to Source Control).
  2. Ensure that C/C++test is connected to a DTP server (see Connecting to DTP).

  3. From the GUI:
    1. Go to Parasoft> Preferences... > DTP and enable the Enable reporting results to DTP option.
    2. (Optional) Click Edit and define the advanced report settings: report.dtp.publish.src and report.scontrol.

Tested sources will be automatically uploaded to DTP when you perform testing in the GUI.

From the command line: 

    1. Define the setting report.dtp.publish=true. See report.dtp.publish.
    2. (Optional) Define the report settings: report.dtp.publish.src and report.scontrol.

    3. Example: 


Report File Names

The following table lists the names of the generated report files in each format:

Report FormatReport File Name



HTML (C/C++test's Unit Testing details)




SARIF (Static Analysis Results Interchange Format)


SARIF for Azure DevOps


SAST for GitLab


SAST v14 for GitLab


XML SATE (Static Analysis Tool Exposition)


XSL Custom


