dotTEST can be deployed in a Docker container to enable seamless integration with modern development workflows and CI/CD pipelines.

You can download a ready to use dotTEST container image from Docker Hub: The container image includes dotTEST, build tools and common utilities. See the documentation at Docker Hub for deployment and customization instructions.

Building a Custom Docker Container Image Locally

It is recommended to use dotTEST container image from Docker Hub: Follow the steps below if you need to build a custom Docker container image, for example, if you have your own container base image.


Building a Container Image

To build a Docker container image that includes dotTEST:

  1. Review and modify the content of the <INSTALL_DIR>\integration\docker\Dockerfile to specify the tools you want to include in the container image.
  2. Optionally, configure dotTEST before the container image is built. This allows you to provide a default dotTEST configuration to all users of the image:
  3. Copy the dotTEST distribution file (.zip) to the <INSTALL_DIR>\integration\docker directory.
  4. Run the following command in the <INSTALL_DIR>\integration\docker directory to build the image:

    docker build --rm -t dottest:latest .

    The image will include runnable dotTEST and other tools you specified in the Dockerfile.

  5. Once you built the Docker container image that includes dotTEST, you can utilize all of dotTEST's capabilities available from the command line interface:

    docker run --rm dottest:latest dottestcli -help

See the documentation at Docker Hub for further dotTEST deployment and customization instructions:

See the documentation for Dockerfile: